Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Media Studies Coursework
Media Studies Coursework Media Studies Coursework Media Studies Coursework Writing Strategies By definition, media studies is a discipline which deals with three aspects of different media, including content, history and effects. If you are writing a media studies coursework, it means that you have to explore one of those aspects in relation to the specific medium, for example, the internet or the newspaper. The subjects in media study vary in their theoretical and practical focuses, but most media studies coursework projects can be divided into three categories: Criticism of the styles and forms Investigation of the production process Sociological analysis of the media As these three elements suggestion, media studies integrate different sciences and humanities, with many disciplines overlapping. Nevertheless, while writing media studies coursework you should be careful not to confuse the assignment with sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, communication studies, or any other related and yet different discipline. Media Studies Coursework: Things to Consider Media studies coursework writing should include the following: Critical and yet creative analysis and research into existing or new forms of media (for example, the internet vs. print media). It is highly recommended to emphasize the emerging digital media and its role in todays world of media communications For example, you may explore how the emergence of digital media has changed the world we live in You may also discuss the role of media in history of humankind and the overall social progress Your media studies coursework may be purely theoretical in nature: You may explore the impact on media on contemporary life or image a situation when there are no media at all You may offer your individual perception of the specific media or look at how different people use media You may write an effective media studies coursework on the ethics and effects of media on society, public opinion Also, your media studies coursework may be devoted to examination of the relations between the law and media Custom Media Studies Coursework Writing If you have no time to devote to writing media studies coursework, if you want to get an original and relevant coursework written from scratch, if you want to cooperate with professional coursework writers online, you have a unique opportunity to try our legitimate, customized, and absolutely confidential writing services. We will write your coursework from scratch, provide free cover page and outline, ensure proper referencing, and provide free revisions upon your request. We deliver written coursework projects on time and we do not plagiarize. Related posts: Help Assignment Favorite Season Essays Essay Help Essay Assignment Descriptive Essays
Monday, March 2, 2020
Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile
Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile Movement, Style, School or Type of Art: Fauvism is the movement with which Vlaminck will always be most closely associated. However, Fauvism was a very short movement and the artist had a very long career. His work briefly leaned towards Cubism (which he professed to loathe) prior to World War I; afterwards it settled into an Expressionistic style that Vlaminck maintained for the rest of his life. The important thing to remember is that, regardless of which labels we now assign to his work, he (a self-taught artist) operated instinctively. He didnt and wouldnt care what we call his approachhe was simply being true to his gut. Date and Place of Birth: April 4, 1876, Paris Maurice was born to two musicians: Edmond Julien de Vlaminck, his father, was a pianist, violinist and tenor. His mother, Josephine Grillet, who was from Lorraine, was also a pianist. Because the artist grew up in this household, music came as naturally to him as breathing. In the early years of his adult life, he was able to help support his young family by taking on violin students and getting the occasional paying gig. But, even though it was second-nature, music never lit the fires of passion in Vlaminck that visual art did. Early Life: Young Maurice didnt have the benefit of a top-drawer education, but he was intellectually curious, emotionally fearless and physically imposing. Vlaminck grew to be a tall, strong, red-haired man prone to wearing loud colors and a gaudy wooden necktie. He married for the first time in his teens and worked (in addition to giving music lessons) to support his wife and daughters as a wrestler, billiards shooter, mechanic, laborer and professional cyclist before a bout with typhus weakened him. He also discovered that he could write, and penned several risquà © novelsanything to pay the bills. How He Came to Art: Vlaminck had taken a smattering of drawing classes and tried his hand at painting, but it was a chance incident that reportedly led him to make art his career. While serving his mandatory 3-year military obligation, he met the painter Andrà © Derain in 1900, when the train on which both men were riding derailed. A lifelong friendship was struck, as well as a deal to share a studio in Chatou. It was in this picturesque Seine valley villagepreviously popular with the Impressioniststhat Vlaminck began painting in earnest. (Never a thought towards selling, mind you. He quite simply was overcome by the urge to paint.) When Art Noticed Him: Vlaminck attended a Parisian van Gogh exhibition in 1901 and was blown away by Vincents color choices. At this same show, Derain introduced his studio mate to Henri Matisseperhaps the most bold colorist to ever hold a brush. Vlaminck absorbed these options, and spent the next few years pouring riotously-hued landscapes back out onto canvas. Convinced by Derain and Matisse to show, Vlaminck began exhibiting with them in 1904. The 1905 Salon dAutomne exhibition was where the trio and a few other like minded artists received the (snarky) moniker fauves (wild beasts) from the art critic Louis Vauxcelle. Ironically, the indifferent-to-sales Vlaminck began to sell any- and everything he painted, so in demand were the canvases of this wild beast. After meeting Paul Cà ©zanne, Vlamincks work took a turn towards balancing color with more structured compositions. He is best known today for his Fauvism perioda span of no more than seven years. Vlamincks later work (the bulk of his career) continued to concentrate on color, sell well and be seen in exhibitions that he did not attend. In addition to painting, he produced some fine lithographs, etchings and woodcuts, and authored and illustrated a number of books. Important Works: Man Smoking a Pipe, 1900Portrait of Derain, 1905Potato Pickers, 1905-07Self Portrait, 1912The Red Tractor, 1956 Date and Place of Death: October 11, 1958, Rueil-la-Gadelià ¨re, Eure-et-Loir, France Vlaminck apparently expended most of the drama in his life on his paintings. He died peacefully of old age at La Tourillià ¨re, the farmhouse he bought in 1925. How To Pronounce Vlaminck: vlah ·mink This is the French pronunciation of the Belgian spelling of Vlaming, more commonly known as Fleming (person from Flanders) in the English-speaking world. Quotes From Maurice de Vlaminck: Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained.I heightened all my tone values and transposed into an orchestration of pure color with every single thing I felt. I was a tender-hearted savage filled with violence. I translated what I saw instinctively, without any method, and conveyed truth, not so much artistically but humanely.I seem initially to have followed Fauvism, and then to have followed in Cà ©zannes footsteps. WhateverI do not mind ... as long as first of all I remained Vlaminck. Sources and Further Reading Derain, Andrà ©. Lettres Vlaminck.Paris : Flammarion, 1955. Rewald, John. Vlaminck (1876-1958) His Fauve Period (1903-1907).New York : Perls Galleries, 1968.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck.New York : Crown Publishers, 1963.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck, Maurice deGrove Art Online. Oxford University Press, 7 November 2008.Read a review of Grove Art Online. Vlaminck, Maurice de. Vlaminck, Master of Graphic Art: A RetrospectiveExhibition of Graphic Works, 1905-1926 (exh. cat.).Chicago : R. S. Johnson-International Gallery, 1975. Walterskirchen, Katalin De. Maurice De VlaminckCatalogue Raisonne De Loeuvre Grave.Paris : Flammarion, 1974.Buy Direct Go to Artist Profiles: Names beginning with V or Artist Profiles: Main Index
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