Monday, August 24, 2020
Confessions Essay -- essays research papers
Augustine titled his profoundly philosophical and religious self-portrayal Confessions to involve two parts of the structure the work would take. To admit, in Augustine's time, implied both to give a record of one's issues to God and to adulate God (to talk one's affection for God). These two points meet up in the Confessions in an exquisite yet complex sense: Augustine portrays his climb from evil to dependability not just for the reasonable enlightenment of his perusers, yet in addition since he accepts that account to act naturally an account of God's enormity and of the basic love all things have for Him. In this way, in the Confessions structure rises to substance to an enormous degree—the characteristic structure for Augustine's account of recovery to take would be an immediate location to God, since it is God who must be expressed gratitude toward for such reclamation. (All things considered, an immediate location to God was a profoundly unique structure for Augustine to have utilized at that point). This thought ought to likewise assist us with understanding the obviously disproportionate and uncommon structure of the content. The initial nine Books of the Confessions are given to an incredible narrative up to his mom's passing, yet the last four Books make an unexpected, long flight into unadulterated religious philosophy and theory. This move ought to be comprehended in a similar setting as the two sided connotation of 'confessions'—for Augustine, the tale of his evil life and recovery is in truth a significantly philosophical and strict issue, since his story is only one exampl...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ambiguity in Coovers Quenby and Ola, Swede and Carl :: Quenby and Ola, Swede and Carl Essays
Vagueness in Coover's Quenby and Ola, Swede and Carl  Vagueness happens frequently recorded as a hard copy, and perusers regularly decide to fill in the spaces with realities, which are not from the content. By occupying in spaces in the story, the peruser makes a plot, which fits into their comprehension. In Coover's Quenby and Ola, Swede and Carl, the plot is equivocal. Huge numbers of these ambiguities are inconspicuous and are barely noticeable, driving the peruser to make suppositions about the content. Basic words, phrases, or the language drives the peruser to a plot, which nearly fits the content. As a peruser, I was not fulfilled that there was no authoritative plot in which I could comprehend the story. I read the story a few times and concocted three distinct real factors; none of them concurred totally with the content. My first decision of the story was that the story occurred through the span of seven days, and that all bits of the story happened. My subsequent comprehension was that the two sexual moments were the two dre ams and that different pieces occurred through the span of the week. At long last, the last end I drew was that everything had occurred, however during various years. Every one of these plots, which I made out of the story's equivocalness, is invalid in the event that you incorporate the entirety of the content and don't dismiss some printed proof and language. Along these lines the uncertainty makes the peruser fill in spaces and negligence printed disparities. By filling in the spaces and making a comprehension for themselves, the peruser is decimating the content.  My comprehension of the story after the underlying perusing was that the entirety of the parts occurred while Ola was fourteen. I fit the pieces arranged by supper (which prompts the lounge room), the story, the sex with Quenby, the sex with Ola, and Swede and Carl on a stale pontoon. In this plot, the story opens with each of the four individuals having a bass supper and afterward moving into the family room to sit before the unfilled chimney. Ola at that point continues to recount to the story while Carl depicts ... her blooming bosoms under the orange shirt, her young hips pressed cozily in a year ago's splendid white shorts, her delicate innocent thighs, thin calves: these were not Swede's (152).
Monday, July 20, 2020
Capture Their Attention in Your Introduction
Capture Their Attention in Your Introduction It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. With those words, Charles Dickens begins one of the most well-known introductions in all of literature. If youre an aspiring novelist, perhaps you dream that one day your words will be as memorable, and remembered, as Dickens opening words in A Tale of Two Cities.If the extent of your writing consists of research papers and other technical documents, you may not feel that your opening lines matter very much. While its true that there are clear stylistic and format differences between a novel and a technical document, they do have something in common. Whatever you write, you want someone to read it. A good introduction will make them want to do so.Your introduction serves several purposes. First, it serves as a way of introducing yourself. Its been said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is your chance. Your readers will view your introduction as a sample of your writing style and, for non-fiction, y our knowledge of the subject. Will you impress them? Or make them wonder if you know what youre talking about?Second, your opening paragraph, or page, introduces your subject. In non-fiction, your introduction will probably explain why you are writing. It will mention the topic that you are writing about and why you feel that it is important. In many forms of non-fiction, such as research papers, it will discuss what has previously been written about the subject and how what you have written differs. It might provide an outline of how you are going to proceed with a discussion of the subject and how the reader will benefit. Likewise in fiction, your introduction introduces your readers to your subject. Usually, this means introducing your protagonist. Herman Melville took this idea literally. In Moby Dick, he has his protagonist introduce himself with the famous words, Call me Ishmael. A more common way of introducing the protagonist is to depict a scene that allows the reader to se e what kind of person they are through their interactions with others.The third purpose for your introduction is related to the other two: you want your readers to continue reading. For some forms of writing, such as technical manuals, your readers may not have a choice; the job or task that they are trying to perform requires that they read what you have written. In most forms of writing, you wont have such a guaranteed readership. If your readers dont like you, or your subject, they may stop reading. Unless you are a well-known author (in which case, I cant imagine why youre reading what Ive written) or you are writing about a very popular subject, your readers will make their decision based, in large part, on your introduction. So, how do you capture their attention?There are several ways that you can capture the attention of your readers in your introduction. In fiction, your goal is to get your readers emotionally involved in the story. As quickly as possible, you want them to identify with your protagonist. Action scenes are an effective way of doing this. They help the reader to immediately identify what kind of person the protagonist is and what problems they are going to have to face and overcome, later in the story. All of us have probably had the experience of thinking about a character in a book, movie, or television show as a real person (rather than a fictional creation or an actor playing a part). This happens because the writer (and the actor for a movie or television show) has done their job well. Theyve portrayed a three-dimensional character with strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Your challenge as a writer is to convince your readers, in the first few paragraphs, that the person you are writing about is real. Only if you do so will they care what happens to them in the rest of the story.What about non-fiction? How do you capture the attention of your readers? Asking a question can build anticipation for what is to come, but only if its the right question. If its a question that they already know the answer to, why should they continue reading? Even if you are writing about a familiar subject, you can make them eager to continue reading by asking a thought-provoking question, a question that shows that you are going to be discussing an aspect of the subject that theyve never considered.An interesting anecdote is another way to capture the attention of your readers. Perhaps in your research, you came across an exciting or pivotal event in the history of your subject. Why not recount this briefly in your introduction? Then, after youve hooked your readers, you can go back and start at the logical beginning of the subject, fleshing out the opening anecdote when you get to it.For some forms of writing, an illustration might be appropriate. This is especially effective when the subject, or its seriousness, is not readily comprehended by your intended audience.Your introduction is the first thing that people read, but is it the first thing that you write? Since the introduction directs attention to the main body of what you have written, many writers prefer to wait until the rest is written before they tackle the introduction. They feel that this gives them a better idea of what they are introducing. Of course, if while researching your subject, you are inspired and the ideal scene, illustration, or anecdote comes to you, write it down. After all, you can always change it later.So why should you care about your introduction? Because if you dont, your readers may not care whether theres anything after it. Whether you care about it or not, your introduction will introduce you to your readers. It will give them an idea of what they can expect if they continue reading. If you show them why what you have written is important to them, you will have captured their attention in your introduction.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Rogerian Argument Jejunocolic Bypass and Gastric Bypass - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 551 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Rogerian Argument Essay Did you like this example? In 1963 the first Jejunocolic Bypass was performed, replacing barbaric procedures such as jaw wiring. The Jejunocolic Bypass was a type of bypass that rerouted and shortened the intestines creating weight loss by mal-absorption. Patients who had this procedure done would lose a substantial amount of weight in their first year after operation, but with complications. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rogerian Argument: Jejunocolic Bypass and Gastric Bypass" essay for you Create order The complications were so severe that the procedure would be discontinued, and in 1969 the Jejunoileal Bypass was introduced. The first introduction of this procedure would be named Jejunoileostomy, and in 1976 a second revised version would be introduced. The revised version would be called jejunoileal bypass and caused extremely severe complications. The Jejunocolic Bypass was known to cause mal-absorption, and severe diarrhea, but its revised version, the jejunoileal bypass, caused a severe vitamin deficiency and neuropathy that would push the mortality rate to four percent. The jejunoileal bypass would then also be abandoned and in 1979 the Biliopancreatic Diversion would be performed, which would then later be converted to the Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch in 1993. It is important to note that gastric banding would also be introduced in the late 70’s, and is still available today, but most surgeons will not perform it due to complications. The preferred m ethod of weight loss surgery used today is the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, which is the final form converted from the Jejunocolic Bypass, Jejunoileal bypass, and both forms of the Biliopancreatic Diversion. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is the most popular, and most used weight lost surgery option today. Most medical centers that are approved to perform weight loss surgery will only offer Roux-en-Y, and do not recommend the Gastric Band. Roux-en-Y is now done laparoscopically, although in some cases still done by opening the patient completely up. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y requires only 6 incisions to be completed. Although minor incisions outwardly, it is still considered major surgery due to the nature of the internal stapling of the stomach. During surgery surgeons detach the stomach from the esophagus as well as the small intestines. They leave a small piece of stomach attached to the esophagus that they then re-attach to the small intestines which then creates a small pouch that is now the patients stomach. The rest of the stomach remains inside the body but is no longer used. After surgery patients are required to stay in the hospital or medical center for one to two days for observation. During this time and two weeks after surgery they are on a strict liquid diet. Patients will then be instructed by their doctor over the next few months on how to start the implementation of soft foods back to a normal solidity of food while the new stomach route heals. A substantial amount of weight will be lost during this time of transitioning for the patient. Gastric Bypass is recommended for patients who are obese, which is defined as those who carry a BMI (Body Mass Index) of forty or higher, or whose BMI is thirty-five and higher with complications or ailments caused by obesity. Obesity complications or ailments consist of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, joint or bone pain, and more severe complications such as type 2 diabetes, risk of stroke, and risk of heart attack. These complications are usually enough to make an obese person seek out treatment such as gastric bypass.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sample Letter For A Business Plan Essay - 964 Words
Task I did: Our team organized once or twice meetings every week. After meetings, we always communicate with each other through Facebook Groups. If I found some research are beneficial for our business plan, I posted them on the Facebook and let my teammates know. For example, I did the SWOT analysis, and I posted it. Therefore, for this presentation, my part is SWOT analysis. I also posted my idea about the logo and name for our business; moreover, my teammates posted their ideas. I participated in voting which one is better. I also told my teammates why I want to choose the corporation as our type of business. I also wrote the first business plan report and submitted it on time. When we were meetings, I participate positively. I could discuss with my teammates when I had some ideas or I felt confused about their ideas. I wanted my teammates can more clearly understand what I want to say. When we met together, I typed a document for my part. When my teammates had any doubt about my SWOT analysis, we discussed and changed together. For the whole document or PowerPoint for our business plan, my group also adopted the same way, which we discuss and modify together. Jiahui Gao: She took an active part in the discussion. She could come up with some ideas positively. She helped us to calculate and check financial parts. Lisa Mahaney : Our meetings always were organized by her. She played an important role in our team and became the meeting note-taker. She helped us to type ourShow MoreRelatedSample of Recommendation Letter1210 Words  | 5 Pages===Sample Letter of Recommendation=== To Whom It May Concern: As the Dean of Stonewell College, I have had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hannah for your graduate program. I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. 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Direct And Indirect Restorations Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(29) " of failures at seven years\." Today with the of all time spread outing scope of renewing stuffs the tooth doctor needs to be cognizant of how long these Restorations are likely to last and the possible grounds for failure. This will maximize length of service of Restoration and prevent failure. The tooth doctor must besides hold a cognition of renewing stuffs advantages, disadvantages, indicants and contraindications. We will write a custom essay sample on Direct And Indirect Restorations Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now All this information will let the tooth doctor to choose the right renewing stuff for specific clinical state of affairss taking to long term clinical endurance of Restorations. Long term endurance of direct and indirect Restorations is dependent on the Restoration non neglecting â€Å" failure occurs when a Restoration reaches a degree of debasement that preludes proper clinical public presentation for either aesthetic or functional grounds of because of inability to forestall new disease †1 Many factors contribute to the failure of a Restoration these include patient, operator and renewing stuff factors. In this literature reappraisal I will turn to the failure of direct and indirect posterior Restorations due to material factors independent of patient and operator factors such as clinical accomplishment degree of operator, tooth place and cavities rate. Purposes With respect to different stuffs for direct and indirect posterior Restorations I hope to: -Outline failure rates of direct and indirect buttocks Restorations -Outline manners of failure of direct and indirect buttocks Restorations -Outline briefly some advantages, disadvantages, indicants and contraindications of direct and indirect posterior Restorations. -Outline in some instances the factors that operators should see toreduce failure rates -Compare long term endurance of direct V indirect posterior Restoration failure Direct posterior Restorations Both amalgam and rosin complexs are indicated as direct category 1 and 2 posterior Restorations Direct buttocks amalgam Amalgam is one of the most normally used renewing stuffs worldwide in posterior direct Restoration today. Amalgam does n’t bond to tooth construction, contains quicksilver and is non aesthetic, but its low cost, straightforward managing process, rapid application and good path record of clinical public presentation in the past mean it continues to be the most convenient renewing stuff in posterior dentitions. In recent old ages at that place has been a diminution in its popularity due to public wellness concerns over its quicksilver content. Failure of amalgams can be every bit high as 6 % at seven old ages. 1 Failure of amalgam is chiefly due to 1. Secondary cavities 2. Tooth break 3. Gross amalgam break 4. Fringy dislocation Secondary cavities has been found to be the most common cause for amalgam failure accounting for 66 % of all failures in amalgam Restorations at seven years.1 Operative technique is of importance in bar of secondary cavities as taint of the readying by blood and spit, hapless matrix technique and hapless condensation lead to hapless adaptation of Restoration to the pit wall and overhangs which predispose to secondary cavities this can do Restoration failure due to tooth break and fringy breakdown.2 Tooth break can besides do amalgam failure. Amalgam does n’t bond to tooth construction and therefore does n’t reenforce the tooth, it is simply infinite filler and the tooth itself is weakened. It has been found that the bigger the Restoration including deepness and facial linguistic width the more likely the tooth is to fracture.3The ability of a tooth with an amalgam Restoration to defy break can be increased by fixing the enamel borders at an angle greater or equal to 90 degrees.4 This is because the enamel rods in the occlusal country of enamel are approximately parallel to the long axis of the tooth.5 it should be noted that defects like subsurface clefts formed during pit readying contribute significantly to early Restoration failure.6 It has been found that increased cusp break rates are linked to higher figure of surfaces restored increased patient age.7 Amalgam failure can besides originate as a consequence of gross amalgam break. This has been shown to account for about 33 % amalgam failures in one study.1 Amalgam has a low tensile strength which predisposes it to fracture particularly in load bearing countries. 1 Operator can cut down the opportunity of failure by holding pit readyings of equal deepness ( 2mm ) and by making circular internal line angles.8 Marginal dislocation of amalgam can take to failure. Incorrect cavo-surface angle can bring forth fringy surface dislocation and can take to secondary cavities doing failure. Marginal dislocation besides occurs as a consequence of delayed enlargement of amalgam but the add-on of Zn and big sums cooper to amalgam to increase mechanical belongingss has besides lead to a lessening in fringy break and longer service by the Restoration. 9 It should be noted that fringy dislocation of an amalgam is n’t a unequivocal diagnosing of secondary cavities or failure of an amalgam. Surveies have shown that secondary cavities is merely present in about 58 % of amalgams with ditched margins.10 Direct posterior Resin Composites Resin complexs are non presently the Restoration of pick for posterior dentitions because they are expensive, extremely technique sensitive, take more clip to topographic point and their clinical path record of clinical public presentation has n’t been every bit good as amalgam in the yesteryear. This state of affairs is altering as the public becomes more concerned by aesthetics and the wellness hazards associated with the quicksilver in amalgam. Resin complex is besides deriving popularity in the profession as the adhering systems improve and as the thought of conserving tooth construction becomes more of import. Failure of rosin complexs can be every bit high as 14 % at 7 old ages in posterior teeth.1 Assuming the right type of composite was chosen e.g. intercrossed or conventional. Failure of complexs is chiefly due to 1. Secondary cavities 2. Gross rosin composite break With wear, tooth break and staining causing failure of a little per centum of rosin complexs. Secondary cavities has been found to be the most common cause of rosin composite failure accounting for 88 % of failures at seven years. You read "Direct And Indirect Restorations Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples"1 However in another survey secondary cavities was found to be 2nd to tooth break at 6 old ages after which it became the primary ground for failure between 6-17 years.11 The chief ground for this is due to polymerization shrinking on scene of the rosin complex which can run 2.6 to 7.1 % 12 this can organize a fringy spread particularly in dentine where bonding is n’t as strong which can take to an immersion bacterium ( microleakage ) which can do secondary cavities. The hazard for secondary cavities besides increases with time11 and with the size of the cavity.1 The operator can cut down polymerisation shrinking and perchance secondary cavities by utilizing the incremental remedy technique. Gross rosin composite break is responsible for high per centum of rosin composite failures accounting for 12 % of failures at 7 years.1 Resin complex is a brickle stuff and hence tensile strength is dependent on surface coating. It is for this ground that we ever look at diametric tensile strength as a mention to fracture opposition. Its diametric tensile strength is low and as a consequence rosin complexs are prone to fracture.13 The break opposition is extremely dependent on filler burden of rosin complex with higher filler lading increasing break resistance14 so it is really of import operator chooses of a rosin complex with a high filler burden. Tooth break does n’t account for a important proportion of rosin composite failure this is due to the fact that rosin complexs bond to tooth construction and reenforce it against fracture.15 Wear is merely a factor for failure in bruxers in which instance you likely would n’t utilize resin composite if it was traveling to be subjected to high emphasiss. Colour is besides no longer a major issue for failure with one survey describing 94 % of rosin complex with acceptable coloring materials lucifer to adjacent dentitions after 17 years.16 This has besides improved with reduced aminoalkanes in the rosin complexs taking to less yellowing. It should be noted that alot of surveies of rosin complexs included older rosin complexs which dont reflect the current rosin complexs in usage which have improved bonding which will take to reduced failure in future surveies. Indirect buttocks inlays and onlays Indirect rosin complex, gold and ceramic inlays are indicated as indirect category 1 and 2 posterior Restorations. Indirect rosin complex, gold and ceramic onlays are indicated as indirect category 1 and 2 posterior Restorations affecting one or more cusps. Indirect posterior rosin complex inlays/onlays Indirect inlays and onlays were developed as an aesthetic option for medium and big posterior Restorations. This was done to get the better of some of the jobs associated with direct posterior Restorations. These Restorations are expensive and clip devouring to put but they have distinguishable advantages over direct posterior Restorations which aim to cut down failure. Such advantages include: 1. They have improved proximal contacts as they are developed outside the oral cavity and even if wrong can be adjusted easy. 2. They have decreased polymerization shrinking as it occurs outside the oral cavity. The lone polymerisation shrinking which occurs in oral cavity is of the double cured resin cement on cementation. This decreases microleakage and increases the strength of these restorations.17 No statistical differences in success rates at 5 old ages was seen between these and direct buttocks restorations.18 With respects to failure of these Restorations, in one study19 the failure rate of indirect rosin composite inlays and onlays was 5 % at 4-6 old ages. Fracture of the tooth or fringy ridge, and secondary cavities are the most common manners of failure, with increased failure being seen with increased Restoration size. Loss of fringy adaptation, coloring material and anatomical signifier were besides seen but did non do Restoration failure. In another study20 a failure rate of 6 % at 1 twelvemonth was seen. Failure was due to secondary cavities and loss of mush verve. Again loss of anatomical signifier and fringy adaptation were seen but did non do failure of Restorations. The operator must guarantee round internal line angles and deepness of 2mm. Depth of less than 2mm can do bulk break of Restoration particularily in onlays. Indirect posterior ceramic inlays/onlays Indirect ceramic inlays/onlays are extremely aesthetic and biocompatible indirect posterior Restorations. They have the same indicants and advantages as indirect posterior rosin composite inlays/onlays but are more expensive and are seen as less user friendly. There is a really strong bond between the rosin cement and the porelain doing it a better stuff for an onlay than rosin complex. Ceramic Restorations have the potency to have on the opposing dentitions, for this ground the operator should n’t utilize them for patients with parafuntion and teeth under high emphasiss. Loss of anatomical signifier is non a job with these Restorations. In one study21 eight out of 50 of the Restorations failed due to fracture at 3 old ages it was found that accommodation to the fitting surface and polished surfaces seemed to predispose to failure. Another 6 twelvemonth study22 found failure rate of 12 % with rosin cement and 26.3 % with gic adhering techniques. Partial break and secondary cavities were the most common grounds for failure. It was besides noted that there was increased ditching in ceramic Restoration which is likely due to differing wear rate between ceramic and tooth. Operator must guarantee equal deepness and unit of ammunition internal line angles. The operator must ever do certain that with ceramic Restorations there is contact merely in maximal intercuspation and non in inframaxillary digressive motions. Indirect posterior gold inlays/onlays Posterior cast gilded inlays and onlays have an first-class clinical path record. These Restorations have first-class wear opposition, do n’t have on the opposing dentition and have high strength. They have the same indicants and contraindications as other inlays and onlays with the exclusion that they can be used in high emphasis countries, for illustration they can be used in bruxers. The disadvantage with this type of Restoration is they are expensive, can do hypersensitivity reactions and they are n’t aesthetic. Posterior cast gilded inlays weaken the staying tooth construction and can take to cusp break. The chief manner of failure of these Restorations is secondary cavities and tooth break. One survey showed a failure rate of 14.3 % at 10 old ages with 2 and 3 surface Restorations holding lower failure rates that one surface restorations.24 When making these Restorations, particularily in bruxers, the operator must ne’er put occlusal contact at enamel/gold border, contacts must be in enamel or gold merely. Indirect buttocks Crowns Cast gold metal Crowns All metal Crowns are by and large made in the signifier of full coverage cast gilded Crown. This type of Restoration has been around for over 100 old ages and has a repute for giving the longest service of any dental restoration.25 These Restorations are really strong and biocompatible. The readying of full gold Crown is the most conservative of the full coverage Crowns, and unlike ceramic Crowns they cause no wear of opposing dentitions. Their chief drawback is their high cost and deficiency of aesthetics. These Restorations are used in dentition with extended tooth construction loss, root canal treated dentitions and due to its high strength they can be placed in bruxers. The chief cause of failure for these Restorations is wear of the metal and secondary caries.26 These Restoration seldom fail by break and tend to protect tooth construction. Surveies have shown that these Restorations have the longest endurance rates and conversely the lowest failure rates of any dental Restoration. One long term survey showed a failure rate every bit low as 4.6 % 27 while another study28 reported a 32 % failure of these Restorations over 10 old ages. Interestingly this survey reported increased failure of dramatis personae gold Crown in root treated dentitions. The operator must maintain in head opposition and keeping when fixing the tooth for these types of Restorations. All ceramic Crowns All ceramic Crown usage in posterior dentition is increasing all the clip. This tendency will go on as patient ‘s concern with aesthetics additions and development of improved strength in ceramics continues. These Restorations are extremely aesthetic, less expensive than other crown options and biocompatible. Unfortunately all ceramic Crowns have a non conservative tooth readying, have really low tensile strength and cause wear of opposing dentitions and as a consequence should non be used in bruxers or in dentitions which undergo high biting forces as they will necessarily neglect. These Restoration are typically merely used posteriorly teeth with loss of tooth construction or which have been root treated. In both instances they can merely be used where aesthetics are paramount and they wont be subjected to high emphasiss. The failure of Thursdaies Restoration in posterior dentition is the highest for all crown Restorations. Current grounds even suggests that clinicians should n’t utilize all ceramic Restorations in molars.29 Failure of these Restorations is due to secondary cavities and break of the crown Restoration. One survey showed a failure rate of 0.8 % .30 Another survey reported a 6 % failure in all ceramic Restorations after 3 years.31 Neither of these surveies are longterm survey and the were set in private pattern with individual tooth doctors transporting out work. Possibly their exceeding clinical accomplishment led to such high consequences because in a long term survey over 10 old ages in general alveolar consonant services the failure rate was 52 % . This was higher that gold or ceramometal by a big fraction.28 Just like dramatis personae metal crowns the failure rate is increased in root treated dentitions. Porcelain fussed to metal Crowns Porcelain fused to metal Crowns are the most common signifier of Crown used in dental medicine. They combine the strength of the dramatis personae metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. Their chief disadvantage is their disbursal and the fact they wear opposing dentitions so they cant be used in bruxers. Their biocompatibility is besides questionable as a little per centum of people can hold hypersensitivy reactions to the metal. It is true to state that porcelain fused to metal hold comparatively long term service.32 When they fail it is normally due to recurrent cavities or break of porcelain from the metal understructure.33 One survey showed failure of 38 % at 10 years.28 The rate of failure is increased with root treated teeth as was seen with the other two types of Crowns. Decision While Is have o How to cite Direct And Indirect Restorations Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Innovation in Business Development
Innovation refers to a new method of handling processes. An innovative business seeks to create or develop new ideas with the aim of making a niche in the market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovation in Business Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This implies that innovation plays a very important role in the development of businesses across the globe. In any case, contemporary economies demand dynamism that can only be attained trough innovative processes. This paper explores the roles of innovation in the growth and development of a business entity. Strategic planning and creation of wealth Innovation lays the platform for strategic planning and creation of wealth in a business entity (Kindstrà ¶m, Kowalkowski, 2014). It is crucial to mention that strategic planning is central to the work of an organization. Without a strategic framework, it may not be possible to understand the position and d irection being taken by an organization. Strategic planning is designed to prepare strategic options in order to successfully implement the strategy set by the decision maker. Different options are available to the decision-maker and the option selected is sent to different managers in order to be translated into business terms through operational planning. The manner in which organizations are managed in the contemporary works is rapidly changing. The increasing complexity of the environment requires decision makers to have proper anticipation. New technologies and management methods ought to be adapted. Through innovation, corporate governance spurred by the systemic and effective leadership can facilitate the growth if an organization. Thus, governance is no longer attached to the only goals of short-term profitability, but is fully consistent with the overall concept of sustainable development. An innovative business should embrace performance management and steering in order to implement a strategic planning process. Innovation assists in setting the strategic vision of a business and constantly adapts then overall strategic indicators to achieve the strategic objective.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the absence of innovation, strategic planning can be a rigid tool that seeks to foresee growth since it may leave the decision maker surprised by the unexpected occurrences. A strategic planning process that is too rigid may always lead to strategic break because it probably lacks an innovative idea. Undeniably, an innovative strategic planning has its virtues in the planning of business activities and designing growth agenda of an organization for a â€Å"desirable future†. The objectives set for the future cannot be easily attained if innovation is absent. An innovative process of strategic planning is an indispensable tool for the decis ion-maker in an organization. It concerns the determination of the overall objectives of the company and the long-term commitment. It is prudent to note that the operational planning refers to the allocation of resources for each function of an organization. Any planning process is formalized using methodologies that emphasize efficient decision-making that eventually contributes to the gradual and successful construction of a business plan. When innovation is put into consideration during strategic planning, it can be helpful in understanding the purpose and long-term strategic goals of a business unit. An innovative strategic planning has yet another benefit. It plays a mobilizing and stimulating role. Among its key factors of success is the necessary adhesion of managers (Broring Herzog, 2008). Hence, it is essential that they are involved in developing the plan and adhere to its letter and spirit. Competitive advantage Innovation is also instrumental in boosting the competitive advantage of a firm. Theorized by Michael Porter in 1985 in an eponymous book, competitive advantage is the element that fundamentally differentiates the offer of a company relative to its competitors, and therefore constitutes its power of differentiation (McAdam, Reid Mitchell, 2010). The strategy implemented by a company must contribute to the creation and the sustainability of this advantage. Besides, an absolute advantage gives the company a dominant position which it may be tempted to abuse within the limits of the law. Five forces were defined by the author in 1979 and are a clear depiction of how innovation can be beneficial to an organization (Rae, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovation in Business Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While the concept of Porter Five Forces initially targeted the growth factors of an organisation, it is also used extensively to characterize the adva ntage of a geographic area of ​​a country or an individual. The sustainability of competitive advantage is related to the establishment of barriers that are similar to distinctive competencies. Favorable historical conditions, causal ambiguity, the quality of relationships within an organization serve to engender heterogeneity of skills within the business sector and maintains the sustainability of competitive advantage (Broring Herzog, 2008). Comparative advantage and competitive advantage should not be misconstrued when it comes to the roles and benefits of innovation in a business. Generally, a competitive advantage that has been curved out of an innovative mind generates a lot of value in a business. Innovation is key to a favourable sales performance when marketing goods and services. This argument is particularly true when competitive advantage results from a differentiation strategy. For example, in the case of the so-called â€Å"top†differentiation, à ¢â‚¬Å"price / quality†ratio increases due to an increase in the quality perceived as more than proportional to the corresponding increase of price. The comparative advantage is often the result of a strategic and innovative differentiation during the process of generating value (Belenzon Berkovitz 2010, p.520). The latter allows a differentiation strategy and the buying value to increase. In most cases, comparative advantage does not lead to a differentiation of the offer if management teams fail to devise innovative measures towards the same process. Innovation enhances business focus An innovative business is usually motivated to remain on track irrespective of the severe and difficult times. Hence, it is necessary for a business entity to continually invest in innovation and communication in order to withstand hard or challenging economic times. When the 2007/2008 recession struck, several businesses were negatively affected by the economic downturn. However, businesses t hat were innovative enough withstood the rough times and remained on the right course of growth and development.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Innovation and assessing the business situation In times of crisis, the internal environment of the company becomes a sensitive issue since trust in management is crucial. Competitors are unequally equipped to face the challenges especially as the market changes and new trends emerge. Brands and their priorities change as well (Cassia, De Massis Pizzurno 2012, p. 231). However, innovation plays a major role of reinventing business skills and tactics. For instance, communication should be changed accordingly in order to match the growth prospects of a business. In tense period, consistent messaging is crucial. If corrections are not revolutionary in practice, customers’ expectations may not be met as anticipated. By optimizing communication media and centralizing management, significant annual savings and increased efficiency can be attained with a lot of ease (Maslova, 2013). Innovation and brand management The brand image of a business organization is a vital marketing fact or that cannot be ignored by contemporary firms. This implies that branding should be done in an innovative manner. A well innovated brand increases the net value of a business. Moreover, innovation enhances close positioning between brands of the same portfolio. There are also a number of innovative attributes that strengthen and promote the brand of a business organisation (Mullins, 2010). Business managers can make the right decisions on the maintenance of a brand or changing its position in the market if dynamic innovation is embraced all the time. Knowledge of the value placed by the customers to the brand is a vital lever to make the right choices. This explains why innovation can be used to streamline business portfolio at any given time during the lifetime of its operations (Rajala, Westerlund Mà ¶ller, 2012). Innovation promotes effective marketing Optimizing the web presence of a business is one of the innovative marketing tools that contemporary organisations employ. To ugh times are an opportunity to review the policy of Internet and virtual communication. Internet is a major tool of accessing to information. In addition, Internet tools have the advantage of flexibility, segmentation or personalization in real time with techniques that are becoming increasingly dynamic (Doppelt, 2010). Markets continually expect and fear an economic slowdown. However, not all companies suffer as a result of poor economic performance (Holtzman, 2008). Managers who see an opportunity and vividly understand how to capitalise on their brand often succeed in forging a vibrant competitive both in the medium and long term. However, establishing a web presence with lasting impact requires an innovative mind. One of the benefits of an innovative online presence is the reduction of exorbitant promotion and high advertising costs. Lack of innovation can lead to millions of investment in marketing (Mieres, Sà ¡nchez Vijande, 2012). In the laws of competition and saturation of markets, business managers may sometimes be compelled to work with the available resources. Since return on investment is not always an obvious occurrence, it is the responsibility of business managers to come up with measures that can cushion their organisations against unprecedented losses (Campbell, Edgar Stonehouse, 2011). Rigorous but effective marketing campaigns designed from innovation can minimise the chances of financial loss on investments. Innovation defines the strategy of a firm It is obviously not possible to achieve objectives without a set strategy. Innovation is a precursor to strategy. Having a strategy in place assists in identifying essential actions that can boost turnover and retain key customers. Focusing on the customer base of a business may be more profitable than seeking new customers (Lin 2008, p.69). Hence, customers who are loyal to a firm should be retained as much as possible. A business process that is innovative enough can attract and retain cu stomers. For example, innovation should be used by managers to meet the changing tastes and preferences of customers. Through innovation, managers are in a vantage position to: Focus on current customers. Optimize and circumscribe the services already offered to their best satisfaction. Extend the benefits offered to customers since they are able to optimize sales from repeat customers Focus on the media and be able to reach their targets Adopt a concise and effective operational marketing (Kindstrà ¶m Kowalkowski 2014, p.98) It is always better to build a business strategy around what will work best after the elements of innovation have been applied to the letter. Innovation cab also be instrumental in shaping the relationship between customers and a business enterprise when the needs of the former are met as per the expectations. When relating with customers, direct communication should be chosen and adopted. Direct communication allows a business entity to meet the needs of c ustomers in order to satisfy them (Belenzon Berkovitz 2010, p.519). Innovation also ensures a thorough and effective control of marketing activities in a firm. Control may not necessarily entail checking if the costs of a given transaction are reasonable. It also involves evaluating actions to determine which ones are not worth the process so that they can be separated from those that are most effective (Lasserre, 2012). In conclusion, innovation and positive business development cannot be separated from each other. New ideas are required all the time for business growth. Owing to strong competition in the modern markets, businesses are being compelled to devise their development chains on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, the natural laws and factors that affect demand and supply cannot permit static strategies. Dynamic business ideas are fundamental. This calls for innovation throughout the lifetime of a business organisation. Furthermore, customers’ tastes and prefere nces are always changing. Unless a business unit remains focussed on these needs through innovation, return on investment cannot be guaranteed. References Belenzon, S. Berkovitz, T. 2010, â€Å"Innovation in Business Groups†, Management Science, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 519-535. Broring, S. Herzog, P. 2008, â€Å"Organising new business development: open innovation at Degussa†, European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 330-348. Campbell, D., Edgar, D. Stonehouse, G 2011, Business Strategy: An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Cassia, L., De Massis, A. Pizzurno, E. 2012, â€Å"Strategic innovation and new product development in family firms†, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Research, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 198-232. Doppelt, B 2010, Leading change toward sustainability: a change-management guide for business, government and civil society, Greenleaf E-book, Sheffield. Holtzman, Y. 2008, â€Å"Innovation in research and development: tool of strategic growth†, The Journal of Management Development, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 1037-1052. Kindstrà ¶m, D. Kowalkowski, C. 2014, â€Å"Service innovation in product-centric firms: a multidimensional business model perspective†, The Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 96-111. Lasserre, P 2012, Global Strategic Management 3rd ed, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Lin, H. 2008, â€Å"Empirically testing innovation characteristics and organizational learning capabilities in e-business implementation success†, Internet Research, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 60-78. Maslova, N.V. 2013, â€Å"Impact of Risk on Entrepreneurial Activity in the Small Innovation Business†. Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, p. 68. McAdam, R., Reid, R. Mitchell, N. 2010, â€Å"Longitudinal development of innovation implementation in family-based SMEs†, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Research, vol. 1 6, no. 5, pp. 437-456. Mieres, C.G., Sà ¡nchez, J.à .L. Vijande, M.L.S. 2012, â€Å"Internal Marketing, Innovation and Performance in Business Services Firms: The Role of Organizational Unlearning†, International Journal of Management, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 403-429. Mullins, L 2010, Management Organisational Behaviour, 9th ed., Pearson Education, Harlow. Rae, D 2007, Entrepreneurship From Opportunity To Action, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Rajala, R., Westerlund, M. Mà ¶ller, K. 2012, â€Å"Strategic flexibility in open innovation – designing business models for open source software†, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1368-1388. This essay on Innovation in Business Development was written and submitted by user Brayden Meadows to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Media Studies Coursework
Media Studies Coursework Media Studies Coursework Media Studies Coursework Writing Strategies By definition, media studies is a discipline which deals with three aspects of different media, including content, history and effects. If you are writing a media studies coursework, it means that you have to explore one of those aspects in relation to the specific medium, for example, the internet or the newspaper. The subjects in media study vary in their theoretical and practical focuses, but most media studies coursework projects can be divided into three categories: Criticism of the styles and forms Investigation of the production process Sociological analysis of the media As these three elements suggestion, media studies integrate different sciences and humanities, with many disciplines overlapping. Nevertheless, while writing media studies coursework you should be careful not to confuse the assignment with sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, communication studies, or any other related and yet different discipline. Media Studies Coursework: Things to Consider Media studies coursework writing should include the following: Critical and yet creative analysis and research into existing or new forms of media (for example, the internet vs. print media). It is highly recommended to emphasize the emerging digital media and its role in todays world of media communications For example, you may explore how the emergence of digital media has changed the world we live in You may also discuss the role of media in history of humankind and the overall social progress Your media studies coursework may be purely theoretical in nature: You may explore the impact on media on contemporary life or image a situation when there are no media at all You may offer your individual perception of the specific media or look at how different people use media You may write an effective media studies coursework on the ethics and effects of media on society, public opinion Also, your media studies coursework may be devoted to examination of the relations between the law and media Custom Media Studies Coursework Writing If you have no time to devote to writing media studies coursework, if you want to get an original and relevant coursework written from scratch, if you want to cooperate with professional coursework writers online, you have a unique opportunity to try our legitimate, customized, and absolutely confidential writing services. We will write your coursework from scratch, provide free cover page and outline, ensure proper referencing, and provide free revisions upon your request. We deliver written coursework projects on time and we do not plagiarize. Related posts: Help Assignment Favorite Season Essays Essay Help Essay Assignment Descriptive Essays
Monday, March 2, 2020
Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile
Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile Movement, Style, School or Type of Art: Fauvism is the movement with which Vlaminck will always be most closely associated. However, Fauvism was a very short movement and the artist had a very long career. His work briefly leaned towards Cubism (which he professed to loathe) prior to World War I; afterwards it settled into an Expressionistic style that Vlaminck maintained for the rest of his life. The important thing to remember is that, regardless of which labels we now assign to his work, he (a self-taught artist) operated instinctively. He didnt and wouldnt care what we call his approachhe was simply being true to his gut. Date and Place of Birth: April 4, 1876, Paris Maurice was born to two musicians: Edmond Julien de Vlaminck, his father, was a pianist, violinist and tenor. His mother, Josephine Grillet, who was from Lorraine, was also a pianist. Because the artist grew up in this household, music came as naturally to him as breathing. In the early years of his adult life, he was able to help support his young family by taking on violin students and getting the occasional paying gig. But, even though it was second-nature, music never lit the fires of passion in Vlaminck that visual art did. Early Life: Young Maurice didnt have the benefit of a top-drawer education, but he was intellectually curious, emotionally fearless and physically imposing. Vlaminck grew to be a tall, strong, red-haired man prone to wearing loud colors and a gaudy wooden necktie. He married for the first time in his teens and worked (in addition to giving music lessons) to support his wife and daughters as a wrestler, billiards shooter, mechanic, laborer and professional cyclist before a bout with typhus weakened him. He also discovered that he could write, and penned several risquà © novelsanything to pay the bills. How He Came to Art: Vlaminck had taken a smattering of drawing classes and tried his hand at painting, but it was a chance incident that reportedly led him to make art his career. While serving his mandatory 3-year military obligation, he met the painter Andrà © Derain in 1900, when the train on which both men were riding derailed. A lifelong friendship was struck, as well as a deal to share a studio in Chatou. It was in this picturesque Seine valley villagepreviously popular with the Impressioniststhat Vlaminck began painting in earnest. (Never a thought towards selling, mind you. He quite simply was overcome by the urge to paint.) When Art Noticed Him: Vlaminck attended a Parisian van Gogh exhibition in 1901 and was blown away by Vincents color choices. At this same show, Derain introduced his studio mate to Henri Matisseperhaps the most bold colorist to ever hold a brush. Vlaminck absorbed these options, and spent the next few years pouring riotously-hued landscapes back out onto canvas. Convinced by Derain and Matisse to show, Vlaminck began exhibiting with them in 1904. The 1905 Salon dAutomne exhibition was where the trio and a few other like minded artists received the (snarky) moniker fauves (wild beasts) from the art critic Louis Vauxcelle. Ironically, the indifferent-to-sales Vlaminck began to sell any- and everything he painted, so in demand were the canvases of this wild beast. After meeting Paul Cà ©zanne, Vlamincks work took a turn towards balancing color with more structured compositions. He is best known today for his Fauvism perioda span of no more than seven years. Vlamincks later work (the bulk of his career) continued to concentrate on color, sell well and be seen in exhibitions that he did not attend. In addition to painting, he produced some fine lithographs, etchings and woodcuts, and authored and illustrated a number of books. Important Works: Man Smoking a Pipe, 1900Portrait of Derain, 1905Potato Pickers, 1905-07Self Portrait, 1912The Red Tractor, 1956 Date and Place of Death: October 11, 1958, Rueil-la-Gadelià ¨re, Eure-et-Loir, France Vlaminck apparently expended most of the drama in his life on his paintings. He died peacefully of old age at La Tourillià ¨re, the farmhouse he bought in 1925. How To Pronounce Vlaminck: vlah ·mink This is the French pronunciation of the Belgian spelling of Vlaming, more commonly known as Fleming (person from Flanders) in the English-speaking world. Quotes From Maurice de Vlaminck: Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained.I heightened all my tone values and transposed into an orchestration of pure color with every single thing I felt. I was a tender-hearted savage filled with violence. I translated what I saw instinctively, without any method, and conveyed truth, not so much artistically but humanely.I seem initially to have followed Fauvism, and then to have followed in Cà ©zannes footsteps. WhateverI do not mind ... as long as first of all I remained Vlaminck. Sources and Further Reading Derain, Andrà ©. Lettres Vlaminck.Paris : Flammarion, 1955. Rewald, John. Vlaminck (1876-1958) His Fauve Period (1903-1907).New York : Perls Galleries, 1968.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck.New York : Crown Publishers, 1963.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck, Maurice deGrove Art Online. Oxford University Press, 7 November 2008.Read a review of Grove Art Online. Vlaminck, Maurice de. Vlaminck, Master of Graphic Art: A RetrospectiveExhibition of Graphic Works, 1905-1926 (exh. cat.).Chicago : R. S. Johnson-International Gallery, 1975. Walterskirchen, Katalin De. Maurice De VlaminckCatalogue Raisonne De Loeuvre Grave.Paris : Flammarion, 1974.Buy Direct Go to Artist Profiles: Names beginning with V or Artist Profiles: Main Index
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward novel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward novel - Essay Example In a careful analysis of the novel, it becomes lucid that Bellamy's bipolar society is partially organized by scientific-technical reason and partially devoted to the pensively rational pursuit of freedom and individuality. Therefore, the author makes use of scientific-technical means to solve the social problem of scarcity through high levels of political centralization and a willingness to assimilate the machine culture. Thus, Looking Backward is one of the best known films of this sub-genre and arguably the best in terms of literary merit and wholeness of conception and vision. In the novel, Bellamy's society is bipolar in nature as it incorporates scientific-technical reason although it is devoted to the pensively rational pursuit of freedom and individuality. However, this scientific-technological advance has not come to pass by 2009, even in modified form, as either socialism or capitalism does not give room for this bipolarity in the 20th Century. Bellamy's concept that such a society would result with high levels of political centralization and a willingness to 'fit in' with the machine culture proved to be wrong. The main reason for the lack of this scientific-technological solution is that Bellamy's society is bipola
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Finance and Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Finance and Accounting - Essay Example According to most business firms, the definition employed by COSO relates to the aggregate control system of an organization. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the forms of documentation presented by auditors. In most organizations, the auditors obtain information regarding the internal control of an organization and summarize the information in a form of documentation. In most instances, they use questionnaires, flowcharts, written narratives in order to present their findings. For example, an internal control questionnaire contains questions regarding the organization. In this form of documentation, negative responses signify weakness while positive answers signify the strengths of the organization. Questionnaires are normally easy to use. Furthermore, they cover a wide a topic of discussion. Contrarily, questionnaires are not flexible, and they may also require assistance while filling the answers (Giove 44). This proves that questionnaires are somewhat time-consuming and ineffective. A written narrative can also be used in the description of the main transaction cycles in an organization. Written narratives have also proved to have both merits and demerits. For instance, a written narrative substantially enhances the understanding of the personnel of the organization. However, this method is time-consuming and presents a difficulty of clear clarification of the content (Giove 45). Lastly, flowcharts can be described as diagrammatic representations of documents and procedures in a sequential manner.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sustainable Agriculture: The Ethical Choice for the Future Essay
Sustainable Agriculture: The Ethical Choice for the Future Thesis: The idea of sustainable agriculture is a legitimate, logical, and necessary approach to the new concerns and problems stemming from current agricultural trends in light of impending global food shortages and rapid depletion of natural resources. Introduction Agriculture has been a principal source of obtaining food to meet basic needs of humans for thousands of years. More recently, with the industrialization of agriculture, increased efficiency, and a decreased need for small rural farmers, there has been a resulting disconnect of consumers to the process in which their food is produced. As we are embarking on a new century, there is growing concern that perhaps our industrialized agriculture system is not functioning as effectively as it has in the past. It is time that we move to adopt a new paradigm as we realize the effects of modern agriculture on our environment, economic viability, and social justice issues, in light of the impending global food shortage. According to John Ikerd from the University of Missouri, traditional agriculturists currently foresee a continued trend toward fewer, larger, and more specialized production units. They see current trends continuing until a half-dozen or so multinational corporations control vir tually all processing and distribution of agricultural commodities in a single global food and fiber market. With this movement continuing as it is now â€Å"there will be increasing reliance on biological technologies and information technologies at all levels within the global agricultural system. Forecasts of the continued industrialization of agriculture permeate both professional agricultural publications and the popular... ...orld today. It is the ethical choice for those of us concerned with the well-being of future generations and the rural communities today. Works Cited Hassanein, Neva. Changing the Way America Farms. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1999. Bird, Elizabeth Ann R., et al. Planting the Future. Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1995. Pretty, Jules N. Regenerating Agriculture. Joseph Henry Press, Washington D.C., 1995. â€Å"Why so much controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms?†October 25, 2003. <>. Ikerd, John. "Sustainable Agriculture: A Positive Alternative to Industrial Agriculture" October 25, 2003 < >. â€Å"Disadvantages of No-Till†October 25, 2003. <> Sustainable Agriculture: The Ethical Choice for the Future Essay Sustainable Agriculture: The Ethical Choice for the Future Thesis: The idea of sustainable agriculture is a legitimate, logical, and necessary approach to the new concerns and problems stemming from current agricultural trends in light of impending global food shortages and rapid depletion of natural resources. Introduction Agriculture has been a principal source of obtaining food to meet basic needs of humans for thousands of years. More recently, with the industrialization of agriculture, increased efficiency, and a decreased need for small rural farmers, there has been a resulting disconnect of consumers to the process in which their food is produced. As we are embarking on a new century, there is growing concern that perhaps our industrialized agriculture system is not functioning as effectively as it has in the past. It is time that we move to adopt a new paradigm as we realize the effects of modern agriculture on our environment, economic viability, and social justice issues, in light of the impending global food shortage. According to John Ikerd from the University of Missouri, traditional agriculturists currently foresee a continued trend toward fewer, larger, and more specialized production units. They see current trends continuing until a half-dozen or so multinational corporations control vir tually all processing and distribution of agricultural commodities in a single global food and fiber market. With this movement continuing as it is now â€Å"there will be increasing reliance on biological technologies and information technologies at all levels within the global agricultural system. Forecasts of the continued industrialization of agriculture permeate both professional agricultural publications and the popular... ...orld today. It is the ethical choice for those of us concerned with the well-being of future generations and the rural communities today. Works Cited Hassanein, Neva. Changing the Way America Farms. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1999. Bird, Elizabeth Ann R., et al. Planting the Future. Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1995. Pretty, Jules N. Regenerating Agriculture. Joseph Henry Press, Washington D.C., 1995. â€Å"Why so much controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms?†October 25, 2003. <>. Ikerd, John. "Sustainable Agriculture: A Positive Alternative to Industrial Agriculture" October 25, 2003 < >. â€Å"Disadvantages of No-Till†October 25, 2003. <>
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Swaziland Death tolls in Swaziland continue to rise while mounting pressure of the economy and lack of control brings Swaziland to the brink of disaster. Bordered between South Africa and Mozambique, Swaziland is a tiny country that contains 1. 2 million citizens. This country was promised independence by the British in the late 19th century. It was then granted to Swaziland in 1968. The current leader of Swaziland is King Mwsati III and the Deputy Prime Minister is Themba Masuka. While balancing a monarchy government and a crippled economy, King Mwsati is trying everything in his power to get Swaziland back on track.The death toll of HIV/AIDS is getting worse because of the lack of money the government funds to help prevent this deadly disease. Due to the consistent low Gross Domestic Product Swaziland receives each year, the government struggles to provide money which could help the country by offering education, treatment, and medicine. HIV/AIDS has taken over almost the entire co untry of Swaziland’s 1. 2 million citizens. Swaziland’s biggest problem continues to be the extremely high death toll due to a disease known as HIV/AIDS. According to Avert. om, â€Å"HIV is a virus that can only infect human beings†. This virus weakens your immune system by destroying important cells that fight diseases and continues to reproduce throughout the entire human body, if it goes untreated. AIDS is the final stage of the HIV infection. You retain the disease when your immune system is not working properly, or in other words, when your immune system becomes ‘deficient’. This disease can spread dramatically through contact with an affected person’s body fluids from sharing hypodermic needles associated with drugs.Currently in Swaziland, about three in every one hundred people are infected with HIV and about seven thousand people die each year. More than seventy thousand children have been orphaned throughout the country because they have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. The Swaziland government is trying everything in their power to limit this virus, but they cannot fulfill their plans due to stubborn people or lack of money the country inherits. As the current economic conditions worsen, the ability to assist those with HIV/Aids becomes difficult due to the lack of food and water.People have resorted to eating cow dung for nourishment as they need to have food when they take their medicine. With water being limited, due to the constant droughts; they have turned towards drinking the urine of animals. This has made it even more difficult for the government to assist. Swaziland is a small nation struggling for growth in their economy. Currently, Swaziland’s GDP has only increased by 0. 3% in the past year. Compared to other countries, Swaziland is ranked 191 out of 216 countries in the GDP growth rate. Swaziland has had numerous road blocks that have affected them leading up to a poor economy.This includes droughts, low agricultural activity, and the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS that have contributed to the many factors of struggling country. The increased spending for transfers, wages, and subsidies has not helped the economy but has led to budget deficits. Another economic problem for Swaziland is the lack of exports the country provides for other countries. According to Wikipedia. com, â€Å"The Swazi economy is very closely linked to the South African economy, from which it receives over 90% of its imports and to which it sends about 70% of its exports†.Because Swaziland is blockaded from the ocean, not many countries trade with Swaziland but trade with South Africa. Countries around the world believe Swaziland’s trading goods are not the best due to the disease of HIV/AIDs that has taken almost the whole population. Since Swaziland’s economy is slowly sinking or as stated by the Times of Swaziland, an â€Å"Economic Crisis†, the government will cont inue to struggle and provide the funding needed to prevent the major effect of HIV/AIDS that has taken over the country.Even though Swaziland has major economic and medical issues to address, the government still has a chance to turn it around if they can educate and assist the Swazis on what needs to be done. All Swazis agree that budget cuts are needed due to the financial crisis they are in, but they cannot agree on what should be done. Limiting the virus of HIV/AIDS could help the economy tremendously because less people will die each year causing more people to work and redistributing funds for other means. Families are breaking down and the percentage of orphans is increasing.The extended family support is declining with no one to look after the orphans or other family members, but if more treatment is available more healthy Swazis can be productive. By more people being able to work creates more goods to trade which can increase the GDP. If the economy recovers, many budget c uts will be eliminated and more funding toward HIV/AIDS will be spent. If the Swazis listen to the government and buy into a well-defined economic plan, I believe the country will slowly start to change and be on the road to recovery.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton - 1558 Words
The family-oriented 1950 s were perhaps the last decade in which women s behavior and social norms were in agreement, according to the study, entitled American Women in Transition. There is much controversy on the social norms of women. In her well credited novel The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton uses gender roles to emphasize that women are seen inferior to men while portraying that it is socially acceptable in their society to objectify women and categorize them based on their actions. She uses two highly contrasting characters that both embody desirable traits as well as inexpedient traits in order to convey this. Wharton’s parents were wealthy conservatives who belonged to New York’s upper class. At the age of 23, she wed a wealthy upper class man as her parents had wanted. Wharton was not fond of any of the events which came along with the lifestyle, leading her to a nervous breakdown a few years into her marriage. When she was younger she had written short stories and poems, so subsequently when she had her break down it was recommended that she start to write again. She wrote the novel incompletely as a representation of her own life and struggles. Newland Archer evidently holds a predisposition for objectifying Countess Ellen Olenska as well as May Welland. Wharton describes this perception of May on page 6 of the novel as, â€Å"he contemplated her absorbed young face with a thrill of possessorship in which pride in his own masculine initiation wasShow MoreRelatedThe Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton1539 Words  | 7 PagesIn Edith Wharton’s novel, The Age of Innocence, the old New York society accepted those who followed moral codes and dreaded hearing those who did not. Growing up in a society that has strict rules and traditions in the 1800’s, Wharton wrote books about this time period and how characters were affected by these societal rules and traditions. Edith Wharton grew up in New York City and spent most her life there. She met her husband, Edward Wharton there and continued writing other novels as well. LaterRead MoreThe Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton2131 Words  | 9 Pages The novel, The Age of Innocence, is the story of Newland Archer, a lawyer and heir to one of New York s most prominent families. Newland is planning to marry the young, beautiful and sheltered May Welland, however when May s exotic cousin, the Countess Ellen Olenska, appears on the scene he begins to question these plans. Throughout The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton uses the social interactions and attitudes of Newland Archer and his friends as a means of weighing society itself. The genreRead MoreEssay on The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton539 Words  | 3 Pages Edith Wharton was the author of The Age of Innocence, a novel published in 1920. In the book, many topics were considered, such as divorce, the empowerment of women, and the lifestyle of the wealthy. The inspiration for these motifs occurred throughout her life. Although Edith Wharton’s work was not well-received, the topics included in her writings held many truths about upper-class society in the late 1800s; therefore, Edith Wharton was influenced by her past and societal experiences. WhartonRead MoreThe Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton1505 Words  | 6 Pages   The narrator is able to share how life in high New York society functions. More specifically, the narrator is able to reveal Newland Archer’s thoughts and emotions as he works through his internal struggle.  Irony  The book being called The Age of Innocence is ironic because the one who would be perceived as being most innocent, is not as naà ¯ve as believed. May Welland Archer grew up innocent and naà ¯ve and has never known passion until her husband introduces her to it.  After Newland begins his affairRead MoreThe Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton And The Waste Land1398 Words  | 6 PagesThe Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton and The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot has similar recurring imagery. Both literary works portray two women in a way and compare these two women characters. Wharton’s portrayal of gender in the society of Old New York illustrates the â€Å"perfect†woman through May Welland along with the â€Å"imperfect†woman through Ellen Olenska, whereas in the poem The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot, the role and sexuality of women is shown through the juxtaposition of two women in the sectionRead MoreSociety in The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton Essay759 Words  | 4 PagesSociety in The Age of Innocence The Age of Innocence, written by Edith Wharton, is about the upper-class society of New York City in the 1870’s. The novel follows the life of an upper-class lawyer named Newland Archer. He is going to wed May Welland, who comes from another upper-class family. As the novel progresses Newland starts to become intrigued with May’s cousin, the poor Ellen Olenska. Ellen is called â€Å"poor†because she is shameful in the eyes of the society that surrounds her. EllenRead MoreThe Birth Of The Realism And Modernism Era1322 Words  | 6 PagesEdith Wharton Literary History The birth of the Realism and Modernism era appeared during the late eighteenth century to early nineteenth century. Both Realism and Modernism are evident in many of Edith Wharton’s literary works. Realism came from chaotic times where it â€Å"encompasses the period of time from the Civil War†(Realism from American). The United States grew enormously after the civil war with â€Å"the rapid growth in industrialism and urbanization, an expanding population base due to immigrationRead MoreEdith Wharton1675 Words  | 7 PagesBiographical Summary Edith Wharton lived a very interesting life. She had grown up in a relatively high class family. She had some trouble in her relationship though. Most of her novels are written about her past life experiences. Although she did have challenges to face, Edith Wharton ended up extremely well. On January 24, 1862, Edith Wharton was born in New York City. Her parents are George Fredric Jones and Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander. They were descents from English and Duitch colonists whoRead MoreSociety Wasn’t Built In a Day: Societal Structure in The Age of Innocence1493 Words  | 6 Pagesthing to arrive early at the opera; and what was or was not the thing played a part as important in Newland Archers New York as the inscrutable totem errors that had ruled the destinies of his forefathers thousands of years ago-Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence Societies, like houses and businesses are built a certain way. They each have a certain way of functioning and placing some people above others. Throughout history, there are plenty examples of this concept, the best of which lies withinRead MoreConformity in Edith Whartons The Age of Innocence Essay1292 Words  | 6 Pagesexpress the pitfalls of this new society. Edith Wharton analyzes the dual purpose of the silences through characters that represent different facets of views during the time. In the Age of Innocence,Wharton emphasizes Olenska and Archer’s silences to identify and criticize the invisible evils that lurk within the hierarchy of â€Å"old New York†and reveal the rationalization of a pretentious and delusional society. Depicting the nature of a desperate society, Wharton reveals, in this seemingly extravagant
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