Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Swop Analysis - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 419 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? SWOP ANALYSIS Procter Gamble, one of the best markets in the world, has gone through a new management. Procter Gamble has a very talented management that has tightly integrated with the largest retailers in the US and around the world. Also, they have created a new product innovation, which involves their new billion dollar brands, that is distributed to 80 countries in the world. They also have Distribution channels all over the world. Also, Procter Gamble has Gross Margins 15 Times the industry average, and a Diversified Brand Portfolio, that has more than 300 brands. They also have 79 billion in revenue, which makes Procter Gamble one of the best markets in the world. The weakness that is experienced by one of the best markets in the world is the fact that that the top brands are losing market shares. Also, the company tends to focus on health and beauty for women only. Procter and Gamble is lagging behind in online media presence leadership. Also, the slow process creates a heavy culture where there are views for product performance alone, and expansion for brands is limited. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Swop Analysis" essay for you Create order They are also missing an opportunity. They refuse to manufacture private label products for its retail. There are several opportunities for Procter and Gamble. First off, they can find new acquisition opportunities for emerging markets. Afterwards, they can be adding value for the conspiracy. Procter and Gamble would be doubling their environmental goals for 2012 if they plan to create products that are Going Green/Eco Friendly for the environmental consumer. Also, they can continue to divest brands that don’t align with the company’s long term goals. They can Utilize online social networks, such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and many other social networks to promote their products. In order for their consumers to be happy, they can design for better product experience, and selling directly to consumers. In addition to that, they can also focus on Health and Beauty products for men, in order to create a huge customer base. As any successful markets, there are several threats to their business. First, there has been an increase in regulations. Also, there has been an increase in raw material price. There has been a surge in private label growth. Key competitors are expanding their product portfolios through acquisitions. Also, the commodity cost and currency exchange rate placed tremendous pressure on the business. Recently, there has been a slowdown in consumer spending in the US globally, in which consumers go for substitute brands that have a cheaper price.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Business Plan For A Business Essay - 920 Words
Starting a business can be very expensive and one way to defer some of those costs would be to take on a partner. A partnership exists when at least two owners go into business, but have not filed papers to the state to become a company. (Laurence) Our business should consider a general partnership where profits and liabilities are divided and shared equally. For example, the cost of ownership or leasing would reduce 50% for each partner. In addition to having a partner we should consider the Part 135 Certificate. This certificate places our airplane on a professional charter, which will enable our business to hire out our services during down time. (Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) An operator working for the charter â€Å"markets and sells time on our aircraft and has the expertise and clientele to readily fill available time-frames, while managing all related Part 135 requirements.†(Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) This no t only frees up our personnel, but also the added bonus enlists a service that has already built up their clientele. This could stand to be a huge savings to our business by helping to defer costs of operations, taxes and maintenance. The aircraft and hanger purchases are one-time purchases and the other support element costs are annual costs. Potential annual savings to have a partner total $717,500. Support Element Cost Partner Gulfstream G550 $53,500,000 $26,750,000 Hanger $30,000 $15,000 OperatingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business1223 Words  | 5 Pagesyour own business is to prepare a business plan. A business plan is a written document describing your business future. It tells potential investors and customers what your goals are for the company and how you plan to achieve that. You will need to define your business, products and services, operating procedures and the route your company intends to take to achieve the goals that are set forth. This information summarizes the sense of your business in a single document. Business plans are inherentlyRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business998 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Prior to initiating a business, it is necessary for the management and the people involved to make sure that a proper business plan is set out in order to understand the needs of the business. In addition to this, it should also be made sure that the market is properly analysed and all the competitors are studied before taking any step related to the new business. Every business has different needs and is initiated in a different scenario. The business plan under evaluation in this paperRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1276 Words  | 6 PagesA business plan is sometimes ignored by some people, but I think it is important to develop a good business plan. I think this should be an interesting topic to discuss about. Yesterday, I receive a phone call from a new client asking for help to build a business plan for his new business. My role in this part as a business consultant is to not blindly do the work for my client but asking them questions to generate information about his i deas, and level of involvement to better help him build hisRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business840 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Business plans are statement of a business goals, reason they are attainable and plans on meeting it’ (FoxBuisness, 2013). A business plan maps the course and gives a detail plan on how these goals are achievable. It is also important to establish a solid business plan for funding. Some small business use venture capital, bank loans, personal funds, and private investors as sources of funding. The business plan must therefore, sell investors. A well-written convincing business plan can buy investorsRead MoreAn Business Plan For A Business Essay1394 Words  | 6 Pagescelebration. This business sells games and other entertainment products. This business is commercial, but has a social conscience. It wants to sell to service a need, but also hopes to enrich the lives of those it serves as it addresses a need for meaning, not just connection or celebration. This business produces original IP to compete in the entertainment industry. This business will not produce entertainment that is divisive or for purely solitary consumption. This business might start withRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagesbrand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your businessRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1546 Words  | 7 Pagesenterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative or risk†. They are usually characterized as people with greatly valued self-reliance, with high optimism and people who who strive for distinction through excellence. I am interested in starting my own basketball business and becoming an entrepreneur. In order to start a business I need a business plan. From research, I have learned that my business plan needs to have an executive summary, identification of my business, financial recordsRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1221 Words  | 5 PagesBusiness plans are documents used for planning out specific details about your business. They can range in size from a simple few sentences to more than 100 pages with formal sections, a table of contents and a title page. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, typical business plans average 15 to 20 pages. Comprehensive business plans ha ve three sections business concept, marketplace and financial and these are broken down into seven components that include the overview or summary of the plan, a descriptionRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business2550 Words  | 11 PagesActivities 1. Review current menu in terms of business focus 2. Get staff feedback 3. Get customer feedback 4. Point out restaurant goals and business 5. Write menu redesigning proposal 6. Get restaurant owners approval 7. Initiate stake holder support 8. Get stake holders approval and contribution 9. Redesign new menu 10. Trail with restaurant stake holders 11. Modify the trail menu 12. Mass print the modified RESOURCES 1. Restaurant business plan, current menu, current and historical sales reportRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1866 Words  | 8 Pages Business Plan Buiness model in theory and practice according to Wikipedia is used for a broad range of informal and forma l descriptions to represent the core aspects of a business, including the purposes of that business, its process, target customers, of ferings, strategies , infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practice, and operational processes and policies . Below, we would look at two kinds of business model (franchise and tradition al business) , their pros and cons, o r their
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Data set Free Essays
A sample is a subset or portion of a population. Sample should represent the population with fewer but sufficient number of items. One Population can have several samples with different sizes. We will write a custom essay sample on Data set or any similar topic only for you Order Now A small portion or part taken from something whether it’s a particular race, inhabitants, data, or items to show or to be the representative of the whole. Its significance to statistics are fairly similar to its original meaning. It is a slice of all of its characteristics. In researching and gatherings info it would be costly and very impractical to work on the whole rather than just a sampling of the whole. A New York newspaper reported the average gasoline prices in four metropolitan areas and used a bar chart to illustrate the differences. What type of statistics was shown? What activities did the newspaper use to make the report? I believed that descriptive statistics are shown in this example. This is used to describe basic features of the data in a study. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data. The statistics shown in this example were collecting data, margining the data, and presenting the data. This helps us to simplify large amounts of data in a sensible way by reducing large amounts of data. This is important to allow your data to be understood in a short period of time. 3. Research a management or marketing article/news/publication that writes about a topic founded on the use of statistics. Evaluate the information according to the following questions and directions. Determine whether the existing information is adequate or additional information is required to support the topic. In the article that I found the information is adequate and no additional Is the presentation of statistics misleading in the context of the topic? The article was to the point and the context was not misleading to the topic. Was statistics used only as numerical information or the framework for decision-making? The statistics were more of the frame work for decision making. By giving all the statistical data on preparing and strategy plan. Allowing the ability to utilize the statistical data. Ramekin, introduced to articulate discussions of sense-making, knowledge management and organizational learning, has much to offer discussion of statistical inference and decision analysis. I explore its value, particularly in its ability to help recognize which analytic and modeling methodologies are most likely to offer appropriate support in a given context. The framework also offers a further perspective on the relationship between scenario thinking and decision analysis in supporting decis ion makers. Was the information summarized in a useful and informative manner? The information was summarized in a useful and informative manner. It was well placed and gave more than enough information on the subject. We show that social scientists often do not take full advantage of the information available in their statistical results and thus missed opportunities to present quantities that could shed the greatest light on their research questions. In this article we suggest an approach, built on the technique of statistical simulation, to extract the currently overlooked information and present it in a reader-friendly manner. More specifically, we show how to convert the raw results of any statistical procedure into expressions that conveys numerically precise estimates of the quantities of greatest substantive interest, and include reasonable measures of uncertainty about those estimates, and squired little specialized knowledge to understand. Analyze and draw your own observations/inferences/conclusions about the information presented based on information you have learned from this module. The statistical technique uses outlined below are very powerful analysis tools but they require a good statistical sample to be effective. These analysis techniques are not generally attempted on data sets with less than 20 wells. Statistically based water saturations give an interpretation of the apparent fluid content of a formation independent of Raw, ‘m’ and volume of shale. An apparent total water saturation is derived as well as an apparent irreducible water saturation. This is a very powerful analysis tool but requires a good statistical sample of both wet and hydrocarbon bearing intervals to be most successful. This analysis is not generally attempted on data sets with less than 20 wells. PART II: CASE STUDY The topic that best catches my interest is E-Business and Wealth. Business conducted online is steadily growing as more companies are creating an online presence, while many new companies are popping up fully online. These e-businesses, like all business, must decide the best ways to generate wealth and value within their given parameters, namely the Internet, as opposed to physical dealings. And can involve the ways that e-businesses generate wealth and value and how those ways differ from traditional businesses before the Internet boom. It can suggest whether or not e- businesses have any advantages or disadvantages and then suggest whether or not businesses without an Internet presence should make one. Surveying both large and small businesses from around the world will help this thesis earner an international, well-rounded perspective. Descriptive statistics aim to describe the prominent features within a collection of data quantitatively. It summarizes a collection of data as a description rather than using the data to learn about the field in which the data represents. Generally, descriptive statistics are always used, even when the main conclusions from the data’s analysis are gained by use of inferential statistics. Inferential statistics is the given title of a process of gaining knowledge from a set of data that are subject to random change or variation. Such data sets would render a descriptive statistic meaningless as the data changes in an unpredictable way. Therefore no knowledge would be gained about the subject that the data represents. The outcome to such a statistical method may be a prediction that can then be used to ensure practical action to be taken. I never before had really thought about statistics and really didn’t know how important it was for businesses. Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that collects and organizes data to interpret and predict future behavior or results. Almost every business uses statistics, including insurance, consumer products, retail, heuristically and even the federal government. Statistics are important for a number of reasons and can be used for various purposes. Research can be used to make decisions for marketing or financial allocations or deciding whether to consolidate or close the business. Gathering and analyzing the data to reach concrete conclusions about the current and future conditions that your business will face is paramount. Critical decisions need to be based on research because of the impact these decisions have on other people and other businesses. The government uses statistics to measure ongoing economic indicators that greatly affect business and industry. Companies can use statistics to measure market share and market potential, the percent of the market they hold in dollars, and the total amount of dollars and units sold in their industries. Statistics are a core component of marketing research techniques. Companies use marketing research agencies to conduct quantitative research with consumers to evaluate new and existing products. Statistics help companies develop sales forecasts one, two and even five years into the future. Companies can then modify or improve their products, ire additional sales reps and put the necessary resources in place to meet these targets. Sales forecasting statistics are also a useful tool in business and marketing plan development. Statistics help companies develop sales forecasts one, two and even five years into the future. Companies can then modify or improve their products, hire additional sales reps and put the necessary resources in place to meet these targets. Most all Of mankind’s endeavors have a random factor. Statistics is a way of putting numbers to that randomness. Business and research statistics is relevant to most areas of he business world. Statistics is important to business analysis in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, retail and in many others. Statistics can point out relationships. A careful review of data can reveal links between two variables, such as specific sales offers and changes in revenue or dissatisfied customers and products purchased. Statistics provide the means to measure and control production processes to minimize variations, which lead to error or waste, and ensure consistency throughout the process. This saves money by reducing the materials used to make or remake reduces, as well as materials lost to overage and scrap, plus the cost of honoring warranties due to shipping defective products. How to cite Data set, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Medical conditions related to an unbalanced diet free essay sample
Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D and calcium in a child’s diet. Both are needed for children to develop strong bones. Any child who does not get enough vitamin D or calcium can develop rickets. It is more common in children of Asian, African-Caribbean and Middle Eastern origin because their skin is darker and needs more sunlight to get enough vitamin D. Babies born prematurely are also at risk of developing rickets because babies build up stores of vitamin D while in the womb. Symptoms Fragile bones, poor growth and skeletal deformities can all lead to changed appearances. Rickets can be the cause of dental problems which can lead to loss of teeth and pain. Treatment Treatment for rickets includes eating more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Taking daily calcium and vitamin D supplements, having a vitamin D injection each year. These injections are only needed if the child cannot take supplements by mouth or suffers from intestinal or liver disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Medical conditions related to an unbalanced diet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Increased amount of time your child spends outside will also help reduce rickets because the sun helps to produce Vitamin D. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take a daily supplement of 10 micrograms of Vitamin D to ensure that adequate amounts are built up for early infancy How an unbalanced diet leads to the condition An unbalanced diet can lead to rickets because you won’t get enough nutrients that is needed to keep the body healthy. In this case it is Vitamin D Scurvy What is it? Scurvy is a rare condition cause from lack of Vitamin C within the body. Vitamin C is vital for the body. It is needed to make collagen which is a type of protein found in different types of tissue, such as skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage. Without vitamin C collagen cant be replaced and the tissue breaks down leading to symptoms of scurvy Symptoms Scurvy can lead to muscle pain, joint pain and it can also cause tiredness. People who suffer from scurvy will experience red dots on the skin and bleeding and swelling of the gums Treatment Social workers who can help you to cook if your scurvy was caused by disability or you were not able to cook a healthy diet for yourself. Dieticians are also able to help you plan a healthy diet. A psychologist if your scurvy is associated with mental health or behavioural conditions for example such as depression, schizophrenia or anorexia nervosa. Scurvy can be prevented by making sure you have the correct amount of Vitamin C within your body. Fruits and vegetable are all a goods source of Vitamin C .
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