Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Swop Analysis - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 419 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? SWOP ANALYSIS Procter Gamble, one of the best markets in the world, has gone through a new management. Procter Gamble has a very talented management that has tightly integrated with the largest retailers in the US and around the world. Also, they have created a new product innovation, which involves their new billion dollar brands, that is distributed to 80 countries in the world. They also have Distribution channels all over the world. Also, Procter Gamble has Gross Margins 15 Times the industry average, and a Diversified Brand Portfolio, that has more than 300 brands. They also have 79 billion in revenue, which makes Procter Gamble one of the best markets in the world. The weakness that is experienced by one of the best markets in the world is the fact that that the top brands are losing market shares. Also, the company tends to focus on health and beauty for women only. Procter and Gamble is lagging behind in online media presence leadership. Also, the slow process creates a heavy culture where there are views for product performance alone, and expansion for brands is limited. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Swop Analysis" essay for you Create order They are also missing an opportunity. They refuse to manufacture private label products for its retail. There are several opportunities for Procter and Gamble. First off, they can find new acquisition opportunities for emerging markets. Afterwards, they can be adding value for the conspiracy. Procter and Gamble would be doubling their environmental goals for 2012 if they plan to create products that are Going Green/Eco Friendly for the environmental consumer. Also, they can continue to divest brands that don’t align with the company’s long term goals. They can Utilize online social networks, such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and many other social networks to promote their products. In order for their consumers to be happy, they can design for better product experience, and selling directly to consumers. In addition to that, they can also focus on Health and Beauty products for men, in order to create a huge customer base. As any successful markets, there are several threats to their business. First, there has been an increase in regulations. Also, there has been an increase in raw material price. There has been a surge in private label growth. Key competitors are expanding their product portfolios through acquisitions. Also, the commodity cost and currency exchange rate placed tremendous pressure on the business. Recently, there has been a slowdown in consumer spending in the US globally, in which consumers go for substitute brands that have a cheaper price.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Business Plan For A Business Essay - 920 Words
Starting a business can be very expensive and one way to defer some of those costs would be to take on a partner. A partnership exists when at least two owners go into business, but have not filed papers to the state to become a company. (Laurence) Our business should consider a general partnership where profits and liabilities are divided and shared equally. For example, the cost of ownership or leasing would reduce 50% for each partner. In addition to having a partner we should consider the Part 135 Certificate. This certificate places our airplane on a professional charter, which will enable our business to hire out our services during down time. (Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) An operator working for the charter â€Å"markets and sells time on our aircraft and has the expertise and clientele to readily fill available time-frames, while managing all related Part 135 requirements.†(Shoreline Aviation Worldwide Charter FBO Services, 2013) This no t only frees up our personnel, but also the added bonus enlists a service that has already built up their clientele. This could stand to be a huge savings to our business by helping to defer costs of operations, taxes and maintenance. The aircraft and hanger purchases are one-time purchases and the other support element costs are annual costs. Potential annual savings to have a partner total $717,500. Support Element Cost Partner Gulfstream G550 $53,500,000 $26,750,000 Hanger $30,000 $15,000 OperatingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business1223 Words  | 5 Pagesyour own business is to prepare a business plan. A business plan is a written document describing your business future. It tells potential investors and customers what your goals are for the company and how you plan to achieve that. You will need to define your business, products and services, operating procedures and the route your company intends to take to achieve the goals that are set forth. This information summarizes the sense of your business in a single document. Business plans are inherentlyRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business998 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Prior to initiating a business, it is necessary for the management and the people involved to make sure that a proper business plan is set out in order to understand the needs of the business. In addition to this, it should also be made sure that the market is properly analysed and all the competitors are studied before taking any step related to the new business. Every business has different needs and is initiated in a different scenario. The business plan under evaluation in this paperRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1276 Words  | 6 PagesA business plan is sometimes ignored by some people, but I think it is important to develop a good business plan. I think this should be an interesting topic to discuss about. Yesterday, I receive a phone call from a new client asking for help to build a business plan for his new business. My role in this part as a business consultant is to not blindly do the work for my client but asking them questions to generate information about his i deas, and level of involvement to better help him build hisRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business840 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Business plans are statement of a business goals, reason they are attainable and plans on meeting it’ (FoxBuisness, 2013). A business plan maps the course and gives a detail plan on how these goals are achievable. It is also important to establish a solid business plan for funding. Some small business use venture capital, bank loans, personal funds, and private investors as sources of funding. The business plan must therefore, sell investors. A well-written convincing business plan can buy investorsRead MoreAn Business Plan For A Business Essay1394 Words  | 6 Pagescelebration. This business sells games and other entertainment products. This business is commercial, but has a social conscience. It wants to sell to service a need, but also hopes to enrich the lives of those it serves as it addresses a need for meaning, not just connection or celebration. This business produces original IP to compete in the entertainment industry. This business will not produce entertainment that is divisive or for purely solitary consumption. This business might start withRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagesbrand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your businessRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1546 Words  | 7 Pagesenterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative or risk†. They are usually characterized as people with greatly valued self-reliance, with high optimism and people who who strive for distinction through excellence. I am interested in starting my own basketball business and becoming an entrepreneur. In order to start a business I need a business plan. From research, I have learned that my business plan needs to have an executive summary, identification of my business, financial recordsRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1221 Words  | 5 PagesBusiness plans are documents used for planning out specific details about your business. They can range in size from a simple few sentences to more than 100 pages with formal sections, a table of contents and a title page. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, typical business plans average 15 to 20 pages. Comprehensive business plans ha ve three sections business concept, marketplace and financial and these are broken down into seven components that include the overview or summary of the plan, a descriptionRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business2550 Words  | 11 PagesActivities 1. Review current menu in terms of business focus 2. Get staff feedback 3. Get customer feedback 4. Point out restaurant goals and business 5. Write menu redesigning proposal 6. Get restaurant owners approval 7. Initiate stake holder support 8. Get stake holders approval and contribution 9. Redesign new menu 10. Trail with restaurant stake holders 11. Modify the trail menu 12. Mass print the modified RESOURCES 1. Restaurant business plan, current menu, current and historical sales reportRead MoreBusiness Plan For A Business1866 Words  | 8 Pages Business Plan Buiness model in theory and practice according to Wikipedia is used for a broad range of informal and forma l descriptions to represent the core aspects of a business, including the purposes of that business, its process, target customers, of ferings, strategies , infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practice, and operational processes and policies . Below, we would look at two kinds of business model (franchise and tradition al business) , their pros and cons, o r their
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Data set Free Essays
A sample is a subset or portion of a population. Sample should represent the population with fewer but sufficient number of items. One Population can have several samples with different sizes. We will write a custom essay sample on Data set or any similar topic only for you Order Now A small portion or part taken from something whether it’s a particular race, inhabitants, data, or items to show or to be the representative of the whole. Its significance to statistics are fairly similar to its original meaning. It is a slice of all of its characteristics. In researching and gatherings info it would be costly and very impractical to work on the whole rather than just a sampling of the whole. A New York newspaper reported the average gasoline prices in four metropolitan areas and used a bar chart to illustrate the differences. What type of statistics was shown? What activities did the newspaper use to make the report? I believed that descriptive statistics are shown in this example. This is used to describe basic features of the data in a study. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data. The statistics shown in this example were collecting data, margining the data, and presenting the data. This helps us to simplify large amounts of data in a sensible way by reducing large amounts of data. This is important to allow your data to be understood in a short period of time. 3. Research a management or marketing article/news/publication that writes about a topic founded on the use of statistics. Evaluate the information according to the following questions and directions. Determine whether the existing information is adequate or additional information is required to support the topic. In the article that I found the information is adequate and no additional Is the presentation of statistics misleading in the context of the topic? The article was to the point and the context was not misleading to the topic. Was statistics used only as numerical information or the framework for decision-making? The statistics were more of the frame work for decision making. By giving all the statistical data on preparing and strategy plan. Allowing the ability to utilize the statistical data. Ramekin, introduced to articulate discussions of sense-making, knowledge management and organizational learning, has much to offer discussion of statistical inference and decision analysis. I explore its value, particularly in its ability to help recognize which analytic and modeling methodologies are most likely to offer appropriate support in a given context. The framework also offers a further perspective on the relationship between scenario thinking and decision analysis in supporting decis ion makers. Was the information summarized in a useful and informative manner? The information was summarized in a useful and informative manner. It was well placed and gave more than enough information on the subject. We show that social scientists often do not take full advantage of the information available in their statistical results and thus missed opportunities to present quantities that could shed the greatest light on their research questions. In this article we suggest an approach, built on the technique of statistical simulation, to extract the currently overlooked information and present it in a reader-friendly manner. More specifically, we show how to convert the raw results of any statistical procedure into expressions that conveys numerically precise estimates of the quantities of greatest substantive interest, and include reasonable measures of uncertainty about those estimates, and squired little specialized knowledge to understand. Analyze and draw your own observations/inferences/conclusions about the information presented based on information you have learned from this module. The statistical technique uses outlined below are very powerful analysis tools but they require a good statistical sample to be effective. These analysis techniques are not generally attempted on data sets with less than 20 wells. Statistically based water saturations give an interpretation of the apparent fluid content of a formation independent of Raw, ‘m’ and volume of shale. An apparent total water saturation is derived as well as an apparent irreducible water saturation. This is a very powerful analysis tool but requires a good statistical sample of both wet and hydrocarbon bearing intervals to be most successful. This analysis is not generally attempted on data sets with less than 20 wells. PART II: CASE STUDY The topic that best catches my interest is E-Business and Wealth. Business conducted online is steadily growing as more companies are creating an online presence, while many new companies are popping up fully online. These e-businesses, like all business, must decide the best ways to generate wealth and value within their given parameters, namely the Internet, as opposed to physical dealings. And can involve the ways that e-businesses generate wealth and value and how those ways differ from traditional businesses before the Internet boom. It can suggest whether or not e- businesses have any advantages or disadvantages and then suggest whether or not businesses without an Internet presence should make one. Surveying both large and small businesses from around the world will help this thesis earner an international, well-rounded perspective. Descriptive statistics aim to describe the prominent features within a collection of data quantitatively. It summarizes a collection of data as a description rather than using the data to learn about the field in which the data represents. Generally, descriptive statistics are always used, even when the main conclusions from the data’s analysis are gained by use of inferential statistics. Inferential statistics is the given title of a process of gaining knowledge from a set of data that are subject to random change or variation. Such data sets would render a descriptive statistic meaningless as the data changes in an unpredictable way. Therefore no knowledge would be gained about the subject that the data represents. The outcome to such a statistical method may be a prediction that can then be used to ensure practical action to be taken. I never before had really thought about statistics and really didn’t know how important it was for businesses. Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that collects and organizes data to interpret and predict future behavior or results. Almost every business uses statistics, including insurance, consumer products, retail, heuristically and even the federal government. Statistics are important for a number of reasons and can be used for various purposes. Research can be used to make decisions for marketing or financial allocations or deciding whether to consolidate or close the business. Gathering and analyzing the data to reach concrete conclusions about the current and future conditions that your business will face is paramount. Critical decisions need to be based on research because of the impact these decisions have on other people and other businesses. The government uses statistics to measure ongoing economic indicators that greatly affect business and industry. Companies can use statistics to measure market share and market potential, the percent of the market they hold in dollars, and the total amount of dollars and units sold in their industries. Statistics are a core component of marketing research techniques. Companies use marketing research agencies to conduct quantitative research with consumers to evaluate new and existing products. Statistics help companies develop sales forecasts one, two and even five years into the future. Companies can then modify or improve their products, ire additional sales reps and put the necessary resources in place to meet these targets. Sales forecasting statistics are also a useful tool in business and marketing plan development. Statistics help companies develop sales forecasts one, two and even five years into the future. Companies can then modify or improve their products, hire additional sales reps and put the necessary resources in place to meet these targets. Most all Of mankind’s endeavors have a random factor. Statistics is a way of putting numbers to that randomness. Business and research statistics is relevant to most areas of he business world. Statistics is important to business analysis in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, retail and in many others. Statistics can point out relationships. A careful review of data can reveal links between two variables, such as specific sales offers and changes in revenue or dissatisfied customers and products purchased. Statistics provide the means to measure and control production processes to minimize variations, which lead to error or waste, and ensure consistency throughout the process. This saves money by reducing the materials used to make or remake reduces, as well as materials lost to overage and scrap, plus the cost of honoring warranties due to shipping defective products. How to cite Data set, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Medical conditions related to an unbalanced diet free essay sample
Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D and calcium in a child’s diet. Both are needed for children to develop strong bones. Any child who does not get enough vitamin D or calcium can develop rickets. It is more common in children of Asian, African-Caribbean and Middle Eastern origin because their skin is darker and needs more sunlight to get enough vitamin D. Babies born prematurely are also at risk of developing rickets because babies build up stores of vitamin D while in the womb. Symptoms Fragile bones, poor growth and skeletal deformities can all lead to changed appearances. Rickets can be the cause of dental problems which can lead to loss of teeth and pain. Treatment Treatment for rickets includes eating more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Taking daily calcium and vitamin D supplements, having a vitamin D injection each year. These injections are only needed if the child cannot take supplements by mouth or suffers from intestinal or liver disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Medical conditions related to an unbalanced diet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Increased amount of time your child spends outside will also help reduce rickets because the sun helps to produce Vitamin D. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take a daily supplement of 10 micrograms of Vitamin D to ensure that adequate amounts are built up for early infancy How an unbalanced diet leads to the condition An unbalanced diet can lead to rickets because you won’t get enough nutrients that is needed to keep the body healthy. In this case it is Vitamin D Scurvy What is it? Scurvy is a rare condition cause from lack of Vitamin C within the body. Vitamin C is vital for the body. It is needed to make collagen which is a type of protein found in different types of tissue, such as skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage. Without vitamin C collagen cant be replaced and the tissue breaks down leading to symptoms of scurvy Symptoms Scurvy can lead to muscle pain, joint pain and it can also cause tiredness. People who suffer from scurvy will experience red dots on the skin and bleeding and swelling of the gums Treatment Social workers who can help you to cook if your scurvy was caused by disability or you were not able to cook a healthy diet for yourself. Dieticians are also able to help you plan a healthy diet. A psychologist if your scurvy is associated with mental health or behavioural conditions for example such as depression, schizophrenia or anorexia nervosa. Scurvy can be prevented by making sure you have the correct amount of Vitamin C within your body. Fruits and vegetable are all a goods source of Vitamin C .
Friday, November 29, 2019
After You, My Dear Alphone (Mrs Wilson) free essay sample
Mrs Wilson seems, to me at least, to be a bit old fashioned – something that isnt quite so odd, considering the story was written in the 1940s. I can imagine her being the typical housewife, struggling in the kitchen, gossiping and worrying with the neighbourhood women and fussing over minor details concerning her precious son, Johnny. However, her temper can get the best of her, creating tension and thus leaving a situation next to unbearable. In the storys situation I know I would find it unbearable – by sheer awkwardness! As soon as little black Boyd enters her house, the assumptions pile up in Mrs Wilsons head. Instantly feeling sorry for him and wanting to take care of him, she makes sure Johnny doesnt take advantage of him and starts feeding the new boy. As kind hearted as it may seem, it took a nasty turn towards the end. We will write a custom essay sample on After You, My Dear Alphone (Mrs Wilson) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When she talks about Boyds parents and how he needs to eat enough to work hard, she assumes he comes from a poor black family, struggling to make ends meet. Theres nothing about Boyd that would lead her to think so, except that hes black and smaller than Johnny. She just immediately builds up this whole idea of this poor little boy. That really is a vague estimate of a book-covers content (†judging a book by its cover†), that she nonetheless is sure of. And doing so makes her prejudiced. She hardly listens to Boyds explanation of his familys situation, and certainly doesnt accept it. Not even when he tells her, that his father is a foreman. Later on, she pretty much forces their own unwanted clothes on the boy, expecting gratitude in return. When Boyds response was wonder, not understanding why he would be needing them, she becomes aggressive. Her reaction makes her seem arrogant, almost as if she needs the boy to be inferior. This makes her very unlikeable and shows her true colour. In todays Denmark, there are people of all colours, ethnicities and and religions. Over the years this has become more and more accepted, but still there are Danes who look at them with distrust or just distaste. This can be a result of the criminal doings, that are caused by the immigrants. It can also be because these immigrants come bringing foreign culture to Denmark, which some Danes find hard to understand. And its an old habit, that what you dont know, you fear. When talking only about prejudice towards different races, it instantly becomes more difficult to explain. Racists can have many different reasons as to why they feel a certain way or even resentment towards another race. Some have got their opinions in childhood from their parents and some from experience. Whatever the reason, it is generalisation of a whole bunch of people and doing so is always wrong.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Full Text of Oslo Accords Definition of Principles
Full Text of Oslo Accords Definition of Principles Following is the full text of the Declaration of Principles on Palestinians interim self-government. The accord was signed on Sept. 13, 1993, on the White House lawn. Declaration of PrinciplesOn Interim Self-Government Arrangements(September 13, 1993) The Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O. team (in the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to the Middle East Peace Conference) (the Palestinian Delegation), representing the Palestinian people, agree that it is time to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict, recognize their mutual legitimate and political rights, and strive to live in peaceful coexistence and mutual dignity and security and achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement and historic reconciliation through the agreed political process. Accordingly, the, two sides agree to the following principles: ARTICLE IAIM OF THE NEGOTIATIONS The aim of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations within the current Middle East peace process is, among other things, to establish a Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority, the elected Council (the Council), for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, for a transitional period not exceeding five years, leading to a permanent settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. It is understood that the interim arrangements are an integral part of the whole peace process and that the negotiations on the permanent status will lead to the implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. ARTICLE IIFRAMEWORK FOR THE INTERIM PERIOD The agreed framework for the interim period is set forth in this Declaration of Principles. ARTICLE IIIELECTIONS These elections will constitute a significant interim preparatory step toward the realization of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and their just requirements. ARTICLE IVJURISDICTION Jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. The two sides view the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a single territorial unit, whose integrity will be preserved during the interim period. ARTICLE VTRANSITIONAL PERIOD AND PERMANENT STATUS NEGOTIATIONS The five-year transitional period will begin upon the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area. Permanent status negotiations will commence as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the third year of the interim period, between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people representatives. It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest. The two parties agree that the outcome of the permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or preempted by agreements reached for the interim period. ARTICLE VIPREPARATORY TRANSFER OF POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles and the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area, a transfer of authority from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the authorised Palestinians for this task, as detailed herein, will commence. This transfer of authority will be of a preparatory nature until the inauguration of the Council. Immediately after the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles and the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, with the view to promoting economic development in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, authority will be transferred to the Palestinians on the following spheres: education and culture, health, social welfare, direct taxation, and tourism. The Palestinian side will commence in building the Palestinian police force, as agreed upon. Pending the inauguration of the Council, the two parties may negotiate the transfer of additional powers and responsibilities, as agreed upon. ARTICLE VIIINTERIM AGREEMENT The Israeli and Palestinian delegations will negotiate an agreement on the interim period (the Interim Agreement) The Interim Agreement shall specify, among other things, the structure of the Council, the number of its members, and the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the Council. The Interim Agreement shall also specify the Councils executive authority, legislative authority in accordance with Article IX below, and the independent Palestinian judicial organs. The Interim Agreement shall include arrangements, to be implemented upon the inauguration of the Council, for the assumption by the Council of all of the powers and responsibilities transferred previously in accordance with Article VI above. In order to enable the Council to promote economic growth, upon its inauguration, the Council will establish, among other things, a Palestinian Electricity Authority, a Gaza Sea Port Authority, a Palestinian Development Bank, a Palestinian Export Promotion Board, a Palestinian Environmental Authority, a Palestinian Land Authority and a Palestinian Water Administration Authority, and any other Authorities agreed upon, in accordance with the Interim Agreement that will specify their powers and responsibilities. After the inauguration of the Council, the Civil Administration will be dissolved, and the Israeli military government will be withdrawn. ARTICLE VIIIPUBLIC ORDER AND SECURITY In order to guarantee public order and internal security for the Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Council will establish a strong police force, while Israel will continue to carry the responsibility for defending against external threats, as well as the responsibility for overall security of Israelis for the purpose of safeguarding their internal security and public order. ARTICLE IXLAWS AND MILITARY ORDERS The Council will be empowered to legislate, in accordance with the Interim Agreement, within all authorities transferred to it. Both parties will review jointly laws and military orders presently in force in remaining spheres. ARTICLE XJOINT ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN LIAISON COMMITTEE In order to provide for a smooth implementation of this Declaration of Principles and any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, a Joint Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Committee will be established in order to deal with issues requiring coordination, other issues of common interest, and disputes. ARTICLE XIISRAELI-PALESTINIAN COOPERATION IN ECONOMIC FIELDS Recognizing the mutual benefit of cooperation in promoting the development of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel, upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, an Israeli-Palestinian Economic Cooperation Committee will be established in order to develop and implement in a cooperative manner the programs identified in the protocols attached as Annex III and Annex IV . ARTICLE XIILIAISON AND COOPERATION WITH JORDAN AND EGYPT The two parties will invite the Governments of Jordan and Egypt to participate in establishing further liaison and cooperation arrangements between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian representatives, on the one hand, and the Governments of Jordan and Egypt, on the other hand, to promote cooperation between them. These arrangements will include the constitution of a Continuing Committee that will decide by agreement on the modalities of admission of persons displaced from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, together with necessary measures to prevent disruption and disorder. Other matters of common concern will be dealt with by this Committee. ARTICLE XIIIREDEPLOYMENT OF ISRAELI FORCES After the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, and not later than the eve of elections for the Council, a redeployment of Israeli military forces in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip will take place, in addition to withdrawal of Israeli forces carried out in accordance with Article XIV. In redeploying its military forces, Israel will be guided by the principle that its military forces should be redeployed outside populated areas. Further redeployments to specified locations will be gradually implemented commensurate with the assumption of responsibility for public order and internal security by the Palestinian police force pursuant to Article VIII above. ARTICLE XIVISRAELI WITHDRAWAL FROM THE GAZA STRIP AND JERICHO AREA Israel will withdraw from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, as detailed in the protocol attached as Annex II. ARTICLE XVRESOLUTION OF DISPUTES Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Declaration of Principles. or any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, shall be resolved by negotiations through the Joint Liaison Committee to be established pursuant to Article X above. Disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations may be resolved by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed upon by the parties. The parties may agree to submit to arbitration disputes relating to the interim period, which cannot be settled through conciliation. To this end, upon the agreement of both parties, the parties will establish an Arbitration Committee. ARTICLE XVIISRAELI-PALESTINIAN COOPERATION CONCERNING REGIONAL PROGRAMS Both parties view the multilateral working groups as an appropriate instrument for promoting a Marshall Plan, the regional programs and other programs, including special programs for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as indicated in the protocol attached as Annex IV . ARTICLE XVIIMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS This Declaration of Principles will enter into force one month after its signing. All protocols annexed to this Declaration of Principles and Agreed Minutes pertaining thereto shall be regarded as an integral part hereof. Done at Washington, D.C., this thirteenth day of September, 1993. For the Government of IsraelFor the P.L.O. Witnessed By: The United States of AmericaThe Russian Federation ANNEX IPROTOCOL ON THE MODE AND CONDITIONS OF ELECTIONS Palestinians of Jerusalem who live there will have the right to participate in the election process, according to an agreement between the two sides. In addition, the election agreement should cover, among other things, the following issues: the system of elections; the mode of the agreed supervision and international observation and their personal composition; and rules and regulations regarding election campaign, including agreed arrangements for the organizing of mass media, and the possibility of licensing a broadcasting and TV station. The future status of displaced Palestinians who were registered on 4th June 1967 will not be prejudiced because they are unable to participate in the election process due to practical reasons. ANNEX IIPROTOCOL ON WITHDRAWAL OF ISRAELI FORCES FROM THE GAZA STRIP AND JERICHO AREA The two sides will conclude and sign within two months from the date of entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, an agreement on the withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area. This agreement will include comprehensive arrangements to apply in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area subsequent to the Israeli withdrawal. Israel will implement an accelerated and scheduled withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, beginning immediately with the signing of the agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho area and to be completed within a period not exceeding four months after the signing of this agreement. The above agreement will include, among other things: Arrangements for a smooth and peaceful transfer of authority from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the Palestinian representatives. Structure, powers and responsibilities of the Palestinian authority in these areas, except: external security, settlements, Israelis, foreign relations, and other mutually agreed matters. Arrangements for the assumption of internal security and public order by the Palestinian police force consisting of police officers recruited locally and from abroad holding Jordanian passports and Palestinian documents issued by Egypt). Those who will participate in the Palestinian police force coming from abroad should be trained as police and police officers. A temporary international or foreign presence, as agreed upon. Establishment of a joint Palestinian-Israeli Coordination and Cooperation Committee for mutual security purposes. An economic development and stabilization program, including the establishment of an Emergency Fund, to encourage foreign investment, and financial and economic support. Both sides will coordinate and cooperate jointly and unilaterally with regional and international parties to support these aims. Arrangements for a safe passage for persons and transportation between the Gaza Strip and Jericho area. The above agreement will include arrangements for coordination between both parties regarding passages: Gaza - Egypt; and Jericho - Jordan. The offices responsible for carrying out the powers and responsibilities of the Palestinian authority under this Annex II and Article VI of the Declaration of Principles will be located in the Gaza Strip and in the Jericho area pending the inauguration of the Council. Other than these agreed arrangements, the status of the Gaza Strip and Jericho area will continue to be an integral part of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and will not be changed in the interim period. ANNEX IIIPROTOCOL ON ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN COOPERATION IN ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS The two sides agree to establish an Israeli-Palestinian continuing Committee for Economic Cooperation, focusing, among other things, on the following: Cooperation in the field of water, including a Water Development Program prepared by experts from both sides, which will also specify the mode of cooperation in the management of water resources in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and will include proposals for studies and plans on water rights of each party, as well as on the equitable utilization of joint water resources for implementation in and beyond the interim period. Cooperation in the field of electricity, including an Electricity Development Program, which will also specify the mode of cooperation for the production, maintenance, purchase and sale of electricity resources. Cooperation in the field of energy, including an Energy Development Program, which will provide for the exploitation of oil and gas for industrial purposes, particularly in the Gaza Strip and in the Negev, and will encourage further joint exploitation of other energy resources. This Program may also provide for the construction of a Petrochemical industrial complex in the Gaza Strip and the construction of oil and gas pipelines. Cooperation in the field of finance, including a Financial Development and Action Program for the encouragement of international investment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and in Israel, as well as the establishment of a Palestinian Development Bank. Cooperation in the field of transport and communications, including a Program, which will define guidelines for the establishment of a Gaza Sea Port Area, and will provide for the establishing of transport and communications lines to and from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to Israel and to other countries. In addition, this Program will provide for carrying out the necessary construction of roads, railways, communications lines, etc. Cooperation in the field of trade, including studies, and Trade Promotion Programs, which will encourage local, regional and inter-regional trade, as well as a feasibility study of creating free trade zones in the Gaza Strip and in Israel, mutual access to these zones, and cooperation in other areas related to trade and commerce. Cooperation in the field of industry, including Industrial Development Programs, which will provide for the establishment of joint Israeli- Palestinian Industrial Research and Development Centers, will promote Palestinian-Israeli joint ventures, and provide guidelines for cooperation in the textile, food, pharmaceutical, electronics, diamonds, computer and science-based industries. A program for cooperation in, and regulation of, labor relations and cooperation in social welfare issues. A Human Resources Development and Cooperation Plan, providing for joint Israeli-Palestinian workshops and seminars, and for the establishment of joint vocational training centers, research institutes and data banks. An Environmental Protection Plan, providing for joint and/or coordinated measures in this sphere. A program for developing coordination and cooperation in the field of communication and media. Any other programs of mutual interest. ANNEX IVPROTOCOL ON ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN COOPERATION CONCERNING REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS The two sides will cooperate in the context of the multilateral peace efforts in promoting a Development Program for the region, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, to be initiated by the G-7. The parties will request the G-7 to seek the participation in this program of other interested states, such as members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, regional Arab states and institutions, as well as members of the private sector. The Development Program will consist of two elements: an Economic Development Program for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. a Regional Economic Development Program. A Social Rehabilitation Program, including a Housing and Construction Program. A Small and Medium Business Development Plan. An Infrastructure Development Program (water, electricity, transportation and communications, etc.) A Human Resources Plan. Other programs. The establishment of a Middle East Development Fund, as a first step, and a Middle East Development Bank, as a second step. The development of a joint Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian Plan for coordinated exploitation of the Dead Sea area. The Mediterranean Sea (Gaza) - Dead Sea Canal. Regional Desalinization and other water development projects. A regional plan for agricultural development, including a coordinated regional effort for the prevention of desertification. Interconnection of electricity grids. Regional cooperation for the transfer, distribution and industrial exploitation of gas, oil and other energy resources. A Regional Tourism, Transportation and Telecommunications Development Plan. Regional cooperation in other spheres. The two sides will encourage the multilateral working groups, and will coordinate towards their success. The two parties will encourage intersessional activities, as well as pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, within the various multilateral working groups. AGREED MINUTES TO THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES ON INTERIM SELF-GOVERNMENT ARRANGEMENTS A. GENERAL UNDERSTANDINGS AND AGREEMENTS Any powers and responsibilities transferred to the Palestinians pursuant to the Declaration of Principles prior to the inauguration of the Council will be subject to the same principles pertaining to Article IV, as set out in these Agreed Minutes below. B. SPECIFIC UNDERSTANDINGS AND AGREEMENTS Article IV It is understood that: Jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations: Jerusalem, settlements, military locations, and Israelis. The Councils jurisdiction will apply with regard to the agreed powers, responsibilities, spheres and authorities transferred to it. Article VI (2) It is agreed that the transfer of authority will be as follows: The Palestinian side will inform the Israeli side of the names of the authorised Palestinians who will assume the powers, authorities and responsibilities that will be transferred to the Palestinians according to the Declaration of Principles in the following fields: education and culture, health, social welfare, direct taxation, tourism, and any other authorities agreed upon. It is understood that the rights and obligations of these offices will not be affected. Each of the spheres described above will continue to enjoy existing budgetary allocations in accordance with arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. These arrangements also will provide for the necessary adjustments required in order to take into account the taxes collected by the direct taxation office. Upon the execution of the Declaration of Principles, the Israeli and Palestinian delegations will immediately commence negotiations on a detailed plan for the transfer of authority on the above offices in accordance with the above understandings. Article VII (2) The Interim Agreement will also include arrangements for coordination and cooperation. Article VII (5) The withdrawal of the military government will not prevent Israel from exercising the powers and responsibilities not transferred to the Council. Article VIII It is understood that the Interim Agreement will include arrangements for cooperation and coordination between the two parties in this regard. It is also agreed that the transfer of powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian police will be accomplished in a phased manner, as agreed in the Interim Agreement. Article X It is agreed that, upon the entry into force of the Declaration of Principles, the Israeli and Palestinian delegations will exchange the names of the individuals designated by them as members of the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Committee. It is further agreed that each side will have an equal number of members in the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee will reach decisions by agreement. The Joint Committee may add other technicians and experts, as necessary. The Joint Committee will decide on the frequency and place or places of its meetings. Annex II It is understood that, subsequent to the Israeli withdrawal, Israel will continue to be responsible for external security, and for internal security and public order of settlements and Israelis. Israeli military forces and civilians may continue to use roads freely within the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area. Done at Washington, D.C., this thirteenth day of September, 1993. For the Government of IsraelFor the P.L.O. Witnessed By: The United States of AmericaThe Russian Federation
Friday, November 22, 2019
Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Research Proposal - Essay Example The effects of such a trend will be very long lasting on the area of marketing and advertisement. The costs of advertising are ever increasing and the trend of including celebrities in the promotional campaign is also driving up the compensation celebrity’s demand for endorsement. Also brand wars have also increased and globalization has caused boundaries to blur. This has increased competition and this in turn has made organizations more dependent on wide scale marketing. In such an environment it is very important for managers to find whether use of celebrity really adds value to the product or not. The metric usually used for effective advertisement is ad recall. If audiences remember advertisements then chances are that they will go and buy that particular product. The research that will be conducted is based upon the relationship between celebrity endorsement and ad recall. The effect of celebrity endorsement on ad recall will be analyzed in the telecommunication industry . This proposal will include the details of the research conducted and will also include a literature review of the topic. Research methodology and design will also be elucidated in the proposal with a set of recommendations for further research on the subject. Literature Review As we know that celebrity endorsements are regularly used for marketing of different brands all over the world, the research conducted on the subject is very extensive. Researchers have tried to identify the relation of celebrity endorsement and many things like brand image and brand equity. The work done in this regard is very diverse and many cultures have been tested regarding the importance and worth of celebrity advertisements. Research has also been conducted on how ad recall can be improved and what factors can affect recall rate of advertisements. It is very important for research purpose to define who a celebrity is. According to Kamins (1989) celebrity is a person â€Å"who is known to the public (actor, sports figure, entertainer, etc.) for his or her achievements in areas other than that of the product class endorsed†. This definition of celebrity is appropriate for our research purpose. It is acceptable for the culture in which we are conducting this research. Celebrity endorsement was found to be very effective in portraying a credible image of the product or service in terms of perceived expertise and trustworthiness (Till & Shimp, 1998). Credibility can positively affect brand image of the product by increasing the element of trust among customers regarding the particular product. The impact of celebrity endorsement was also found to be great on brand equity but the extent of this impact was dependent on the level of perceived credibility of the celebrity endorser (Spry, Pappu & Cornwell, 2011). Audiences actually find a sense of credibility when the message to buy a product comes from a celebrity because he is conceived as credible. This is the reason why credib ility plays a role in celebrity endorsement. Expert celebrity can influence audience more when the product is high technology oriented (Biswas, Biswas, & Das, 2006). One of the main factors identified in studies is the fact that it is very important to match the celebrity to the product he or she is endorsing. This match should be on the basis of age or gender. A good match between the product or service and the celebrity endorser can increase the effectiveness of advertisements (Hsu & McDonald,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Citizen Kane Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Citizen Kane - Movie Review Example But Charles is not able to adjust himself to the new group. One of the main reasons for this could be that Charles was never able to identify with Mr. Tatcher. This becomes more evident when Charles tells Mr. Tatcher and Mr. Burnsteen that he might have been a really great man if he weren't rich. When one is forced to do something outside his/her interest or values, he/she is subject to feelings of tension and stress. To handle this discomfort, one uses various coping methods. One of the main coping methods Charles was using was to act out and refuse to cope with the situation. Charles then goes on to get expelled from many prestigious colleges. His expulsion surely was not an indication that he was an inefficient person. The fact was that Charles Kane had turned into a rebel. When the parents he trusted so much give him away, it leaves Charles with a bitter feeling of betrayal. It causes him anger and he seeks revenge. He seeks revenge not just by getting expelled from colleges, but also when he has to make a choice to start his career, he refuses to take over wealthy gold mines, oil wells, shipping companies and real estate agencies. Instead he chooses to take over 'The New York Daily Inquirer', a newspaper that is on the verge of being closed. His thirst for revenge is all the more evident when he declares that he would like to win all that Mr. Tatcher hates. One of the stages in Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development is 'Identity v/s Role Confusion'. At this point of time, we get to see that Charles as a young adult had not been able to develop a n identity and instead was confused about the role he was playing. Time passes by and Charles' quest for love begins in a big way. Charles marries Emily Monroe Norton, niece of the US President. Charles marries for love. He also enters politics to win the love of the voters. But both, his marriage and career in politics come to an end with his extra marital affair with Susan Alexander getting revealed. What draws Charles to Susan is her innocence and simplicity. She reminds him his simple childhood. Charles later on marries Susan and bribes her in all the ways possible to win her love. But Charles fails to give Susan what she wants and even his second marriage comes to an end with Susan leaving him in his estate. At this point, another stage in Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development that comes to mind is 'Ego Integrity v/s Despair'. Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret, bitterness, and despair. Charles is all by himself in the last few years of his life and has none of his loved ones by the side of his death bed. The words Charles utters just before his last breath catches the attention of the reporters, but none of them are able to understand its significance. He just says, "Rosebud". Initially, when Tatcher was at Charles' Parents' house to pick him up, Charles shoves a sled at Tatcher and pushes him away. Until then, Charles was enjoying himself in the snow with this same sled. The two words painted on the sled was 'Rosebud'. Charles leaves behind that sled in his parents' house. Tatcher gifts him a new sled for the next Christmas, but it never replaces the 'rosebud' sled in Charles' heart. In the last few
Monday, November 18, 2019
Documentary Realism in Films Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Documentary Realism in Films - Movie Review Example In the discussion and analysis in this paper, three kinds of films are analyzed based on their social function-specifically, how each film represent a criticism of war and conflict at different periods in history. These films are "Fahrenheit 9/11," "Life is Beautiful," and "The Aviator," which are categorized as documentary, fiction, and non-fiction films, respectively. These films are analyzed and interpreted based on their ability to provide a critical look at the conflicts that occurred and which became the basis-primary or otherwise-for the development of the narrative in each. The analysis posits that the three films criticize war and conflict in various ways. "Fahrenheit 9/11" criticizes the political instability caused by the offensive attack that US waged against Iraq, causing greater discord between the Middle Eastern nations and US and its allies. "Life is Beautiful" reflected the absurdity of World War II, as millions of lives, particularly Jews, were unnecessarily lost as a result of the genocide imposed on them by Adolf Hitler of Germany. Lastly, "The Aviator" provides an in-depth look at the lives of the people in the context of Howard Hughes' life and using the World War II as the socio-political background. In it, the film reflected the politico-economic machineries that motivated and supported World War II, uncovering also the politics that occurs 'behind the scenes,' the politicking of businessmen and aircraft manufacturers in order to benefit best and profit the most from the war. Apart from these comparisons among the three films in terms of their depiction and critical interpretation of war and conflict, this paper also looks into the differences in the execution of the directors in depicting these interpretations into film. For "Fahrenheit," Moore's critical look at the 9/11 bombing and US invasion of Iraq is more explicit and direct, in the sense that real film clips were used to critically interpret the Bush administration's actions before, during, and after the tragic event. "Life" provides a different execution as well, weaving its criticism into the story of Guido's family as Jews persecuted for their race and religion. However, unlike Moore's "Fahrenheit," Benigni's film depicts a fictional scenario put into a real event in human history. "Aviator," meanwhile, illustrates the life of Howard Hughes, depicting his life and achievements and chronicling the events relevant and significant to his development as an important personality in both the entertainment and automotive businesses, as well as politics. In understanding the contrasts among "Fahrenheit," "Life," and "Aviator," it is vital to understand first their crucial differences. "Fahrenheit" is a realist documentary, because it provides real images and accounts of events surrounding the 9/11 bombing, events that Moore had organized in a manner that provides support to his criticisms and arguments against President Bush and the administration. As explicated by Bordwell and Thompson (1997), a documentary does convey truth in that it illustrates "events as they actually occur," but it can also be depicted realistically when the director 'controls the editing of the images' to be included in the film. A documentary is realistically portrayed even if these
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Challenges and opportunities that social media networks offer
Challenges and opportunities that social media networks offer The availability of digital media such as satellite and mobile phones, the digital television and most importantly the internet, as a means for communication makes Internet Marketing (IM) very different from the Conventional Marketing. McDonald and Wilson (1999) elaborately highlighted the key difference between traditional media and new media. With particular emphasises on IM the authors proposed what they call The 6 Is of e-marketing mix. The authors posit that the relevance of the 6 Is are twofold (i) they draw emphasis on the practical aspects of IM such as direct response and personalization and (ii) provide an understanding of strategic issues such as restructuring of the industry and the changes in the integrated channel communications. The 6 Is of e-marketing mix Interactivity In the case of traditional media the marketing message is predominately broadcasted from a company to its target audience, thereby implying the existence of a push factor. This process of communication provides little scope for interaction with the customers. However, on the Internet, contact is initiated by the customer who, in most cases, is seeking information, implying the existence of a pull factor (Deighton, 1996). Figure 1.13 pg28 Intelligence The internet renders itself as a cost effective means of conducting market research. The internet is an especially useful tool in gathering information about customer perceptions about the product/ service. Individualism (Fig 1.14) pg 30 As illustrated in the diagram above, new media forms allow marketing communications to be tailored to the individual that the message is meant for, unlike in the case of traditional media wherein communication is mass media and the same message is disseminated to its audiences. (Lasswell 1984, Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955) Further, the inherent feature of personalisation that new media forms offer to marketers is an important building block in managing relationships with customers. Integration (diagram: A New Marketing Paradigm for Electronic Commerce) The conventional marketing communication model witnesses a fundamental alteration in the presence of a hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environment (CME) like the internet (Hoffman and Novak 1996). The internet enables an increased scope for an integrated marketing communication. The CME communication model provides a platform for consumers to interact with each other, the medium and the company itself. The most drastic departure from the traditional media is the opportunity for the consumers to generate content onto the medium. Hence, in the CME model the primary relationship is with the receiver and the CME, and not between the sender and the receiver, which is the case in traditional media.( Hoffman, 1996) The active role of the consumers makes it imperative for marketers to integrate their communication messages. Industry restructuring. Concepts such as disintermediation and reintermediation (Chaffey et al, 2003) are important considerations for companies that operate in a CME. Disintermediation refers to the process of eliminating conventional intermediaries such as agents and brokers, who previously linked the company to its customers. Reintermediation is the process of creating new age intermediaries between the company and its customer, given the presence of the internet. These new age intermediaries are often referred to as cybermediaries (Shankar et al, 1996) and include virtual communities like forums, fan clubs and user groups, search engines like Google and Bing , virtual resellers like Amazon and eBay. Independence of location The internet provides the possibility of an increased reach of a companys marketing communications to the global audience. This can often translate into reaching international markets and audiences. Social media networks: AN INTRODUCTION Social media networks, though a relatively new terrain for most companies and brand managers had its humble beginnings when Open Diary was founded in 1950s with the intent to create a community of diary writers. A few years later, Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis introduced Usenet, letting its users post articles to its groups. (Kaplan et al, 2010). Dating sites that enabled its users to create profiles and even update pictures and online forums, which were the more user friendly and sophisticated versions of BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), are all building blocks of the social media networks as we know it today. With the passage of time and the technological developments that . SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS: OPPOTUNTIES AND CHALLENGES Social networking sites: Social networking sites like face book, my space, twitter and orkut are platforms for Internet users to create individual profiles with personal information, make new friends and connect with old ones and even for business networking, in some cases. Users can use certain applications which help them connect to each other through instant messaging and sending emails between each other, creating personalised profiles for themselves which can be accessed by colleagues and friends etc. Such applications are known as Social networking sites. Personal profiles are highly specialised as they are suited to the users needs. He/she can upload audio files, videos, blogs as well photos into the profile which can be shared to other friends. Facebook is considered to be the largest social networking site and it is interesting to note that it was originally founded by US based Mark Zuckerberg who wanted to stay in touch with his friends in Harvard Unviersity. Myspace is also another example of a social networking site which has over 250 million users worldwide. SNS are being used for market research with regard to netnography as well as creating brand communities by different companies. SNS have also been used especially well for promoting movies for example when film makers create a fan page of their movie which allows user to access information such as trailers, photos and download games for free. Similarly companies sponsoring football clubs have used SNS such as Myspace to allow fans to feel closer to the teams they support. Apart from marketing their products through SNS other companies go to the extent of using SNS as a distribution channel for their products for example 1-800- flowers a US based florist has allowed facebook users to send virtual flowers to whomsoever they desire or send the real ones by directing users to their company website.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Toni Morissons The Bluest Eye Essay -- Toni Morisson Bluest Eye Essay
Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Toni Morisson's novel The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who reside in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was born). This family consists of the mother Pauline, the father Cholly, the son Sammy, and the daughter Pecola. The novel's focal point is the daughter, an eleven-year-old Black girl who is trying to conquer a bout with self-hatred. Everyday she encounters racism, not just from the White people, but mostly from her own race. In their eyes she is much too dark, and the darkness of her skin somehow manifests that she is inferior, and according to everyone else, her skin makes her even "uglier." She feel she can overcome this battle of self-hatred by obtaining blue eyes, but not just any blue. She wants the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is an innocent little girl who, like very other young child, did not ask to be born in this cruel world. It is bad enough that practically the whole world rejects her, but her own parents are guilty of rejection as well. Her own father, who is constantly drunk, sexually molests his daughter more than once. The first time he has sexual intercourse with his daughter, he leaves her slightly unconscious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a guilt covering her frail, limp, preteen body. The next time he performs the same act, but this time he impregnates her. Of course, the baby is miscarried. This is obviously not a love a father should be sharing with a daughter. This act displays hatred in the worst way. Her mother's rejection is subtle yet potent. When Pecola tells her mother about the molestation, Mrs. Breedlove does not believe her own flesh and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove... ...n females read this book because I am very curious about how they would react. I feel that they could relate to, and benefit most from this novel, and I bet every young African-American female can relate to at least one character in this book. Toni Morrison was born in Lorain, Ohio in 1931. Her birth name was Chloe Anthony Wofford. She attended Howard University, where she received her B.A. She also received an M.A. from Cornell University. Besides being a writer, she teaches as well. She is now a professor at Princeton University. She is known for such novels as Sula, Beloved, and Tar Baby. She has won numerous awards, such as the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Beloved and the Nobel Prize for Literature.1 Works Cited: 1Kennedy, X.J., Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Sylvia A. Holladay. The Bedford Guide for College Writers. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin Press.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Organisation Behaviour
Option 3: Evaluate the statement that ‘organisational structure reflects and reinforces an unrealistic view of human rationality (Knights & Willmott, 2007)’. Introduction: Different authors have different definition toward organizational structure. Mintzberg (1979) defines the organization structure is defined as ‘The sum total of the ways in which it divides its labour into distinct task and then achieves coordination between them’ (Mintzberg, 1979, p. cited in Knights and Willmott, 2007, p. 197). In simple words, organizational structure is talking about the structure of an organization, how a company categorise their workers or management to achieve their goals. Basically, organizational structure is talking about the management system that include organic and mechanistic management system. In an organization, there will be a lot of matters happened because of the organization structure.Hence, people keep discover different management structure to assist in organizational structure like Taylor and Ford that influence the organization structure by using scientific method to classified the work of an organization and control the achievement of the organization (Fayol, 1949; Taylor, 1911cited in Singh, 2009). Lewin (1958) cited in Burnes (1996) provided that the planned model that designed for the organizational change is the best model.However, is there any the best structure for organization? When we treat one structure as the best structure for organization, we must consider the factors that will make the structure no longer applicable. Environment is the important influences that we cannot ignore about. The unstable of environment led the organization structure keep on changing. One of the changes in the structure of organizational was from mechanistic management system to organic management system.Mechanistic and organic of organizational structure are two formally form of management system that applied in organizational structure (Burns and Stalker, 1961). As what Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) claims that competition was changing from firm level to network level, which means from centralisation to decentralisation. Changing Of Environment More than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus(536-470 BC) claims that everything was continuous keep on changing and there was nothing permanent (Smith, 2011).Organizational structure is also the same, there are no the best structure for an organization since the environment is keep on changing. ‘‘There is no one best way to organize’’ and ‘‘any ways of organizing are not equally effective’’ (Galbraith, 1973 cited in Singh, 2009, p. 954). Environment and organization are interdependent, they depend on each other between an organization (pugh et al. 1963 cited in Child, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) cited in Singh (2009) proposed that appropriate organizational structure depends on environmental factors.Co ulson-Thomas (1991) cited in Strachan (1996) argues that business organizational is increasingly face unprecedented change in social, economic, political and business environment. Burn and Stalker (1961) cited in McMillan (n. d. ) claims that an organization must match and follow with the rate of change in its environment if the organization want to reach a maximum performance or achieve their goals. The performance of an organization depend on how they construct their structure to align with the environment (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and O’Regan, 2010).An example that shows the change of technology that led to the changes of organizational structure, the manner of hardware and software development resulted in architectures evolving over time, at the same time organization structures developed special forms to suit and fit their specific environmental and strategic requirements (Mukherji, 2002). An effective structure or strategy can promotes competitive advantage to strengthen an organization performance (Oosthuizen, 1997 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and O’Regan, 2010 ) .Besides, there are a wide range of structures given to an organization to choose whether which structure is appropriate to them and can align to the environmental factors that they face, they can choose the most few effective structure mixed that fix to their different environmental problem faced since there are no one universal structure that applied by all organization (Singh, 2009). However, when environment is change again no matter due to technological or political factor, organization need to aware that whether their structure now is consists with the changing of the environment.If their structure is not the best in current environment, then they need to revise their structure again to get the most productive outcome. Otherwise, the change of environment may either lead to some benefit or harms to the organization. Thevenet (1988) cited in Soparnot (2011) believe that the change of organizational structure is always beneficial. However, Soparnot (2005) cited in Soparnot (2011) argued that the changes of structure can destabilize organization and it is risky and costly.In an organization, if they are manage according to hierarchy structure, there are different level of manager and different opinion towards the change of the organization exist, different people have their own idea, each will suggest different idea and this will wasting time and resources to test for it. Walston and Chou (2011) said that the greater the differences between hierarchical perceptions, the inefficiency of the organization change and effort.Therefore, there are no any best constant structure of organization, because the environment is keep on changing, what an organization can do is only keep on changing that align with the environmental changes. Mechanistic System Mechanistic management system is consist of hierarchic structure of control, authority , specialization , differentiation and centralized decision making (Burns and Stalker, 1961). Hierarchical structure is commonly carry out in an organizational chart form.Organizational chart show us the management structure or hierarchical structure, how the organization manage according to different department, or specialization. During the mid 20th century there was a trend for organizations to create huge corporate structures, often composed of many varied and different businesses, for instance, the Hanson Trust, Unilever, Trafalgar House, and GNK in the UK and General Electric in the USA (Mabey, Salaman and Storey, 2001 cited in McMillan, (n. . ). Hales and Rabey (2011) held that a good management is consists of specific job for specific person, clear role definitions for each job, clear job specification and so on. It is talking about mechanic system of organizational structure. In the hierarchical structure, decisions are made by top level and task are delegated to different department manager of middle level, and these managers will make sure the workers under them is kept in line with them (Hales and Rabey, 2011).Since that are not a teamwork which they do not share common interest but they need to do more than the person who make decision and thus make them do not have any motivation to do their best or produce the best idea. This may occur because everyone have different perceptions. As mentioned earlier, the greater difference between hierarchical perception, the inefficiency of the effort (Walston and Chou, 2011). When everyone have their own perception, but decision is not made by them, conflict will occur.Conflict usually occur in relation to decision and sometimes it may lead to threat (Beckhard and Dyer, 1983 cited in Frank et al. , 2011). Decision making of hierarchical structure is also a waste of time since there are different level in the organization, decision making need to go through from low to middle and the top, it take time and wast e of resources, when there are something happen between the level of authority, it need even more time than usual. Wang and Ahmed (2003) cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) highlight organizational structure influence its decision making and the internal processes.Employees in an organization should not wait for manager comments or negotiations for organization sake (Kuitunen et al, 1999 cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva, 2005). In order to reduce the conflict of decision making of the hierarchical structure and waste of time, the changes of this hierarchical structure is needed. Burns and Stalker (1961) highlight that in organic system, position in an organization is differentiated by the expertise, whoever have greater expertise can lead the team and he or she will have the best authority.For mechanistic system, people who control the organization is according to standardization of skill, it is control by the person who have undergone extensive training and socialization (Friedso n, 1970 cited in Abernethy and Stoelwinder, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) claims that the position of the leader is settled by consensus via voting in an organic system. When the position of the leader is agreed by voting, then it may consider fair because there are no any conflict of interest exist. However, for mechanistic system, position of the manager is the decision of the top level management.When the position of the leader is decided by the top level management people, there are inequality exists. Guy (1999) highlight that the increase of earnings inequality from the late 1970s until now is due to changes of organizational structure. When the decision is not reach the consensus of all but just solely based on the top level management, it seems like it is unfair. The top level may choose the one that is beneficial to him or her and promotes him or her to get higher position and this is not agreed by all. Organic SystemHence, Covin and Slevin(1990) cited in Altinay and Alt inay (2004) claims that organization often decentralize decision making authority, minimize the hierarchical structure and adopt free flow communication channels to make sure organization achieved higher performance. When talk about decentralization, actually it is talking about organic management system, Burns and Stalker(1961) said that organic management system is appropriate to the changing of environment, he describe organic management system as a network structure of control ,authority and communication, there are not alking about responsibilities of a person, but the responsible of the people in the network. Therefore, It is just like a team that achieve the same goals. However, the claimant that organization need to decentralize decision making was argued by Shields and Shields (1998) cited in Subramaniam and Mia (2001), said that not all managers accept the decentralization of organization structure because it will make outcomes of job unfavorable related such as low job sa tisfaction. For example, as what we have study now, we are choosing courses of education according to our interest.It is also the same as career, we will choose our job according to what we studied or what we like, if decentralize means that they are all working together without departmentalize, then we might need to do the job that we do not like and make us do not have the feeling of satisfaction when rushing for the work. Conclusion In conclusion, organizational structure is not fixed, it is not constant as all organization is using the same structure and monitor their work of organization.There will be no consensus on one particular structure of organization and thus make the organizational structure do not fixed. Actually, each structure will show their good and bad, when the structure is align with the change of environment or the structure is reach the consensus of all and thus achieve higher performance of organization, then this structure is consider as good. However, when the environment is change again , and people no longer agree on this structure, then this structure is no longer applicable , if this structure is insist in using, then it may bring harm to organization.Hence, there is no the best or the smartest structure for an organization (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). When the environment of the organization change, the structure of the organization also change according to the environment, this dynamism of the organization structure makes the organization do not have a fixed or constant strucuture (Martinsons & Martinsons, 1994 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). No matter organic or mechanistic management system, as long as it is an effective structure that align with the environment, it will lead he organization to achieve superior performance. Organization structure do not fixed because mechanistic management system is applicable in some situation or organic management system is suitable in some situation or mixed of these two management system is necessary for some situation. In details, an organization can mixed the centralization and decentralization by apply both in their structure. Decentralization can motivate employees to enable them showing out their creative and innovative but not stop by top level manager.At the same time, some others part can be centralize to make sure employees follow the rules and regulation because some decision if freely make by employees on their own may create troublesome such as financing and investing decision. Hence, structure cannot fixed on whether it is centralization or decentralization (Buchanan and huczynski, 2010). Therefore, we cannot say that which structure is the best structure for organization because each of these structures play their own roles in different environmental changes. (2092 words) Bibliography: 1. Abernethy M. A. nd Stoelwinder, J. U. (n. d) â€Å"The relationship between organization structure and management control in hospitals: An elabora tion and test of Mintzberg’s professional bureaucracy model†, pp. 18-33. 2. Altinay, L. and Altinay, M. (2004) â€Å"The influence of organisational structure on entrepreneurial orientation and expansion performance†, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(6), pp. 334-344. 3. Burnes, B. (1996) â€Å"No such thing as †¦ a â€Å"one best way†to manage organizational change’, Management Decision, 34/10, pp. 11-18. 4. Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M. (1961) â€Å"The management of innovation†, London: Tavistock, pp. 103-108. 5. Child, J. (n. d) â€Å"Organizational strucuture, environment and performance: The role of strategic choice†, Sage Social Science Collections. 6. Frank, M. , Kessler, A. , Nose, L. , Suchy, D. (2011) â€Å"Conflicts in family firms: state of the art and perspectives for future research†, Journal of Family Business Management, 1(2), pp. 130-153. 7. Hales, S. and Rabey, G. (2011) â⠂¬Å"The frontline manager: fronting up to organisational change†, Industrial and Commercial Trainning, 43(6), pp. 368-376. 8. Knights, D. nd Willmott, H. (2007) Introducing organizational behaviour and management, South-Western Cengage Learning. 9. Kulmala, H. I. and Uusi-Rauva, E. (2005) â€Å"Network as a business environment: experiences from software industry†, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10/3, pp. 169-178. 10. McMillan, E. (n. d. ) â€Å"Considering organization structure and design from a complexity paradigm perspective†, Open University. 11. Mukherji, A. (2002) â€Å"The evolution of information systems: their impact on organizations and structures†, Management Decision, 40/5, pp. 497-507. 12.Nandakumar, M. K. , Ghobadian, A. , O’Regan, N. (2010) â€Å"Business-level strategy and Performance: The moderating effects of environment and structure†, Management Decision, 48(6), pp. 907-939. 13. Singh, S. K. (2009) â⠂¬Å"Structuring organizations across industries in India†, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 14. Singh, S. K. (2009) â€Å"Structuring organizations across industries in India†, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 15. Smith, I. (2011) â€Å"Organisational quality and organisational change: Interconnecting paths to effectiveness†, Library Management, 32(1/2), pp. 11-128. 16. Strachan, P. A. (1996) â€Å"Managing transformational change: the learning organization and teamworking†, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, (2)2, pp. 32-40. 17. Subramaniam, N. and Mia, L. (2001) â€Å"The relation between decentralised structure, budgetary participation and organisational commitment: The moderating role of managers' value orientation towards innovation†, Accounting, Auditing ; Accountability Journal, 14(1), pp. 12-29. 18. Walston, S. and Chou, A. 2011) â€Å"CEO perceptions of organizational consensus and its impact on hospital restructuring outcomes†, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25(2), pp. 176-194. 19. Wang, L. and Ahmed, P. K. (2002) â€Å"The Informal Structure: Hidden energies within the organization†, University of Wolverhampton, UK. 20. Guy, F. (1999) â€Å"Information technology, organization structure, and earnings inequality†, Birkbeck College, Malet St. 21. Buchanan D. A. and Huczynski, A. A. (2010) Organizational behaviour, Seventh edition, Pearson Education Limited. Organisation Behaviour Option 3: Evaluate the statement that ‘organisational structure reflects and reinforces an unrealistic view of human rationality (Knights & Willmott, 2007)’. Introduction: Different authors have different definition toward organizational structure. Mintzberg (1979) defines the organization structure is defined as ‘The sum total of the ways in which it divides its labour into distinct task and then achieves coordination between them’ (Mintzberg, 1979, p. cited in Knights and Willmott, 2007, p. 197). In simple words, organizational structure is talking about the structure of an organization, how a company categorise their workers or management to achieve their goals. Basically, organizational structure is talking about the management system that include organic and mechanistic management system. In an organization, there will be a lot of matters happened because of the organization structure.Hence, people keep discover different management structure to assist in organizational structure like Taylor and Ford that influence the organization structure by using scientific method to classified the work of an organization and control the achievement of the organization (Fayol, 1949; Taylor, 1911cited in Singh, 2009). Lewin (1958) cited in Burnes (1996) provided that the planned model that designed for the organizational change is the best model.However, is there any the best structure for organization? When we treat one structure as the best structure for organization, we must consider the factors that will make the structure no longer applicable. Environment is the important influences that we cannot ignore about. The unstable of environment led the organization structure keep on changing. One of the changes in the structure of organizational was from mechanistic management system to organic management system.Mechanistic and organic of organizational structure are two formally form of management system that applied in organizational structure (Burns and Stalker, 1961). As what Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) claims that competition was changing from firm level to network level, which means from centralisation to decentralisation. Changing Of Environment More than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus(536-470 BC) claims that everything was continuous keep on changing and there was nothing permanent (Smith, 2011).Organizational structure is also the same, there are no the best structure for an organization since the environment is keep on changing. ‘‘There is no one best way to organize’’ and ‘‘any ways of organizing are not equally effective’’ (Galbraith, 1973 cited in Singh, 2009, p. 954). Environment and organization are interdependent, they depend on each other between an organization (pugh et al. 1963 cited in Child, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) cited in Singh (2009) proposed that appropriate organizational structure depends on environmental factors.Co ulson-Thomas (1991) cited in Strachan (1996) argues that business organizational is increasingly face unprecedented change in social, economic, political and business environment. Burn and Stalker (1961) cited in McMillan (n. d. ) claims that an organization must match and follow with the rate of change in its environment if the organization want to reach a maximum performance or achieve their goals. The performance of an organization depend on how they construct their structure to align with the environment (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and O’Regan, 2010).An example that shows the change of technology that led to the changes of organizational structure, the manner of hardware and software development resulted in architectures evolving over time, at the same time organization structures developed special forms to suit and fit their specific environmental and strategic requirements (Mukherji, 2002). An effective structure or strategy can promotes competitive advantage to strengthen an organization performance (Oosthuizen, 1997 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and O’Regan, 2010 ) .Besides, there are a wide range of structures given to an organization to choose whether which structure is appropriate to them and can align to the environmental factors that they face, they can choose the most few effective structure mixed that fix to their different environmental problem faced since there are no one universal structure that applied by all organization (Singh, 2009). However, when environment is change again no matter due to technological or political factor, organization need to aware that whether their structure now is consists with the changing of the environment.If their structure is not the best in current environment, then they need to revise their structure again to get the most productive outcome. Otherwise, the change of environment may either lead to some benefit or harms to the organization. Thevenet (1988) cited in Soparnot (2011) believe that the change of organizational structure is always beneficial. However, Soparnot (2005) cited in Soparnot (2011) argued that the changes of structure can destabilize organization and it is risky and costly.In an organization, if they are manage according to hierarchy structure, there are different level of manager and different opinion towards the change of the organization exist, different people have their own idea, each will suggest different idea and this will wasting time and resources to test for it. Walston and Chou (2011) said that the greater the differences between hierarchical perceptions, the inefficiency of the organization change and effort.Therefore, there are no any best constant structure of organization, because the environment is keep on changing, what an organization can do is only keep on changing that align with the environmental changes. Mechanistic System Mechanistic management system is consist of hierarchic structure of control, authority , specialization , differentiation and centralized decision making (Burns and Stalker, 1961). Hierarchical structure is commonly carry out in an organizational chart form.Organizational chart show us the management structure or hierarchical structure, how the organization manage according to different department, or specialization. During the mid 20th century there was a trend for organizations to create huge corporate structures, often composed of many varied and different businesses, for instance, the Hanson Trust, Unilever, Trafalgar House, and GNK in the UK and General Electric in the USA (Mabey, Salaman and Storey, 2001 cited in McMillan, (n. . ). Hales and Rabey (2011) held that a good management is consists of specific job for specific person, clear role definitions for each job, clear job specification and so on. It is talking about mechanic system of organizational structure. In the hierarchical structure, decisions are made by top level and task are delegated to different department manager of middle level, and these managers will make sure the workers under them is kept in line with them (Hales and Rabey, 2011).Since that are not a teamwork which they do not share common interest but they need to do more than the person who make decision and thus make them do not have any motivation to do their best or produce the best idea. This may occur because everyone have different perceptions. As mentioned earlier, the greater difference between hierarchical perception, the inefficiency of the effort (Walston and Chou, 2011). When everyone have their own perception, but decision is not made by them, conflict will occur.Conflict usually occur in relation to decision and sometimes it may lead to threat (Beckhard and Dyer, 1983 cited in Frank et al. , 2011). Decision making of hierarchical structure is also a waste of time since there are different level in the organization, decision making need to go through from low to middle and the top, it take time and wast e of resources, when there are something happen between the level of authority, it need even more time than usual. Wang and Ahmed (2003) cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) highlight organizational structure influence its decision making and the internal processes.Employees in an organization should not wait for manager comments or negotiations for organization sake (Kuitunen et al, 1999 cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva, 2005). In order to reduce the conflict of decision making of the hierarchical structure and waste of time, the changes of this hierarchical structure is needed. Burns and Stalker (1961) highlight that in organic system, position in an organization is differentiated by the expertise, whoever have greater expertise can lead the team and he or she will have the best authority.For mechanistic system, people who control the organization is according to standardization of skill, it is control by the person who have undergone extensive training and socialization (Friedso n, 1970 cited in Abernethy and Stoelwinder, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) claims that the position of the leader is settled by consensus via voting in an organic system. When the position of the leader is agreed by voting, then it may consider fair because there are no any conflict of interest exist. However, for mechanistic system, position of the manager is the decision of the top level management.When the position of the leader is decided by the top level management people, there are inequality exists. Guy (1999) highlight that the increase of earnings inequality from the late 1970s until now is due to changes of organizational structure. When the decision is not reach the consensus of all but just solely based on the top level management, it seems like it is unfair. The top level may choose the one that is beneficial to him or her and promotes him or her to get higher position and this is not agreed by all. Organic SystemHence, Covin and Slevin(1990) cited in Altinay and Alt inay (2004) claims that organization often decentralize decision making authority, minimize the hierarchical structure and adopt free flow communication channels to make sure organization achieved higher performance. When talk about decentralization, actually it is talking about organic management system, Burns and Stalker(1961) said that organic management system is appropriate to the changing of environment, he describe organic management system as a network structure of control ,authority and communication, there are not alking about responsibilities of a person, but the responsible of the people in the network. Therefore, It is just like a team that achieve the same goals. However, the claimant that organization need to decentralize decision making was argued by Shields and Shields (1998) cited in Subramaniam and Mia (2001), said that not all managers accept the decentralization of organization structure because it will make outcomes of job unfavorable related such as low job sa tisfaction. For example, as what we have study now, we are choosing courses of education according to our interest.It is also the same as career, we will choose our job according to what we studied or what we like, if decentralize means that they are all working together without departmentalize, then we might need to do the job that we do not like and make us do not have the feeling of satisfaction when rushing for the work. Conclusion In conclusion, organizational structure is not fixed, it is not constant as all organization is using the same structure and monitor their work of organization.There will be no consensus on one particular structure of organization and thus make the organizational structure do not fixed. Actually, each structure will show their good and bad, when the structure is align with the change of environment or the structure is reach the consensus of all and thus achieve higher performance of organization, then this structure is consider as good. However, when the environment is change again , and people no longer agree on this structure, then this structure is no longer applicable , if this structure is insist in using, then it may bring harm to organization.Hence, there is no the best or the smartest structure for an organization (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). When the environment of the organization change, the structure of the organization also change according to the environment, this dynamism of the organization structure makes the organization do not have a fixed or constant strucuture (Martinsons & Martinsons, 1994 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). No matter organic or mechanistic management system, as long as it is an effective structure that align with the environment, it will lead he organization to achieve superior performance. Organization structure do not fixed because mechanistic management system is applicable in some situation or organic management system is suitable in some situation or mixed of these two management system is necessary for some situation. In details, an organization can mixed the centralization and decentralization by apply both in their structure. Decentralization can motivate employees to enable them showing out their creative and innovative but not stop by top level manager.At the same time, some others part can be centralize to make sure employees follow the rules and regulation because some decision if freely make by employees on their own may create troublesome such as financing and investing decision. Hence, structure cannot fixed on whether it is centralization or decentralization (Buchanan and huczynski, 2010). Therefore, we cannot say that which structure is the best structure for organization because each of these structures play their own roles in different environmental changes. (2092 words) Bibliography: 1. Abernethy M. A. nd Stoelwinder, J. U. (n. d) â€Å"The relationship between organization structure and management control in hospitals: An elabora tion and test of Mintzberg’s professional bureaucracy model†, pp. 18-33. 2. Altinay, L. and Altinay, M. (2004) â€Å"The influence of organisational structure on entrepreneurial orientation and expansion performance†, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(6), pp. 334-344. 3. Burnes, B. (1996) â€Å"No such thing as †¦ a â€Å"one best way†to manage organizational change’, Management Decision, 34/10, pp. 11-18. 4. Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M. (1961) â€Å"The management of innovation†, London: Tavistock, pp. 103-108. 5. Child, J. (n. d) â€Å"Organizational strucuture, environment and performance: The role of strategic choice†, Sage Social Science Collections. 6. Frank, M. , Kessler, A. , Nose, L. , Suchy, D. (2011) â€Å"Conflicts in family firms: state of the art and perspectives for future research†, Journal of Family Business Management, 1(2), pp. 130-153. 7. Hales, S. and Rabey, G. (2011) â⠂¬Å"The frontline manager: fronting up to organisational change†, Industrial and Commercial Trainning, 43(6), pp. 368-376. 8. Knights, D. nd Willmott, H. (2007) Introducing organizational behaviour and management, South-Western Cengage Learning. 9. Kulmala, H. I. and Uusi-Rauva, E. (2005) â€Å"Network as a business environment: experiences from software industry†, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10/3, pp. 169-178. 10. McMillan, E. (n. d. ) â€Å"Considering organization structure and design from a complexity paradigm perspective†, Open University. 11. Mukherji, A. (2002) â€Å"The evolution of information systems: their impact on organizations and structures†, Management Decision, 40/5, pp. 497-507. 12.Nandakumar, M. K. , Ghobadian, A. , O’Regan, N. (2010) â€Å"Business-level strategy and Performance: The moderating effects of environment and structure†, Management Decision, 48(6), pp. 907-939. 13. Singh, S. K. (2009) â⠂¬Å"Structuring organizations across industries in India†, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 14. Singh, S. K. (2009) â€Å"Structuring organizations across industries in India†, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 15. Smith, I. (2011) â€Å"Organisational quality and organisational change: Interconnecting paths to effectiveness†, Library Management, 32(1/2), pp. 11-128. 16. Strachan, P. A. (1996) â€Å"Managing transformational change: the learning organization and teamworking†, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, (2)2, pp. 32-40. 17. Subramaniam, N. and Mia, L. (2001) â€Å"The relation between decentralised structure, budgetary participation and organisational commitment: The moderating role of managers' value orientation towards innovation†, Accounting, Auditing ; Accountability Journal, 14(1), pp. 12-29. 18. Walston, S. and Chou, A. 2011) â€Å"CEO perceptions of organizational consensus and its impact on hospital restructuring outcomes†, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25(2), pp. 176-194. 19. Wang, L. and Ahmed, P. K. (2002) â€Å"The Informal Structure: Hidden energies within the organization†, University of Wolverhampton, UK. 20. Guy, F. (1999) â€Å"Information technology, organization structure, and earnings inequality†, Birkbeck College, Malet St. 21. Buchanan D. A. and Huczynski, A. A. (2010) Organizational behaviour, Seventh edition, Pearson Education Limited.
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